Turning Time into Money

Time is money. No, really it is. It’s like gold but more valuable. Or at least it can be for people who insist on going out and making things happen instead of sitting around wishing something would. If that statement kind of stung a bit, then maybe you should consider making changes that turn time into money and countless hours lounging into look how far you’ve come.

Please keep in mind my goal is not to upset or embarrass but rather to encourage and inspire change for the better. Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s discuss how to go about making time work for you, your financial goals, and your family’s future.

The People

Since the most important things in life usually aren’t things at all, we’ll talk about people first. Arguably, the people we spend time in the presence of can do more to affect our mind set than anything else we do. Hang around positive people, their optimism will begin to rub off. On the other hand, rubbing elbows with those who can only see the down side of life, opportunities or events can cloud your judgment and sink your ship before it even sets sail. Pay attention to positive people, do what they do, learn what fortifies their uplifting spirits and see about claiming some of it for yourself.

The Places

Go where you’ll most likely find positive and successful people. You can bet they won’t be loitering, either in real time or in their minds. Make the best of the space you’re in. Go where go-getters go. Visit libraries and bookstores to search for articles on career building, personal enrichment and time management. Find quiet places to read and meditate on what you’re learning. When you get comfortable enough, share what you’ve read with others and look for chances to join in conversations with people you admire and share common interest. The company’s break rooms, conference rooms and lunchrooms are the perfect places to share who you are and would like to become.

The Relationships

A longtime friend of mine once worked in his company’s mailroom. When I asked how his career was going, he replied, “It’s just a job.” When we talked about it over a game of pool, I realized he was not trapped in the basement of his building but rather in the basement of his dreams. I asked him to list the jobs within the company that he wanted. Then, I asked him to list the jobs he was qualified to do. Long story short, he applied for three of the positions which he wanted and felt qualified for. I was admittedly a little sad when he was promoted then immediately took a job out of state. I almost hated to see a good friend go but not nearly as much as watching him live below his money making potential for years.

Time and time alone is the only thing we have more than we can use and never as much as we need. Everyday somebody gets a raise on the job, a promotion or finally manages to see their dreams come true. Who knows, tomorrow it could be you.

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