Are clip in extensions bad for hair

Health related question in topics Style Beauty .We found some answers as below for this question “Are clip in extensions bad for hair”,you can compare them.

No clip in hair extensions are not bad for your hair, they are very safe to use and do not do damage to your hair. Text us again soon! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Are clip in extensions bad for hair
Are clip in extensions bad for your hair?
Your adding weight to your hair, unnecessary weight. You should lay off the extensions and use it only once in a while. There is really no way of preventing breakage, the only way to not have it happen to you is if you don’t do the things t…
Are clip in hair extensions bad for your hair?
No they are fine! Ive been wearing clip in extensions for 3 years now, my hair is still in good condition Think of it this way – Its just like clipping a bobby pin into your hair! That doesnt do any damage And before you buy them, just know…
What are the best real hair clip in extensions
There’s an array of companys that have real hair clip in extensions.Go to for the best extension products

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Clip in hair extensions? Bad hair cut?
Q: okay. i just got the WORST hair cut: hair dresser (today i got a new one, my other one was out) and he got CARRIED away!my hair is so ugly he made it thin at the bottoms, it looks like a mullet.he cut so much off, so another hair cut WILL NOT WORK! (not like i trust another person with my hair!)So, i was thinking about getting clip in hair extensions. how do they work? should i get them to “match” my hair by a hair dresser?
A: Clip in extensions mean that they are just — um — clipped in!! They are small sections and you just clip them in! They can match or not — as you prefer.But if the hair is that short, then extensions like this are not going to work that well. You may need something better.But if you allowed the cutter to do that to you, then you can’t blame someone else. Didn’t you explain what you wanted? Probably not… they don’t just do what they want!! And if you saw that it was too short, then why didn’t you say something or stop him? You have every right to do that…. so now you are going to bad-mouth him when you let him do it all, and never said a word then or afterwards. You paid for it, so therefore you must have approved of it. It’s rather unfair and too late to say anything about it now.
are clip on hair extensions bad for your hair?
A: no the clip on ones are quite safe as you remove them daily and then place them on different strands of hair.however if you are thinking of having permenant ones then make sure you think about it with great thought. i had a full head of them in and i havn’t felt pain like that since i gave birth!!! my whole head felt as though someone was pulling out my hair and when you lie down the pain gets worse. i returned to the salon to complain as it cost 400.00 and they said that yes if you are head sore (if you have a pony tail in and your head feels sore when bobble removed) then extensions are not for you. they removed them and gaveme a 100.00 refund!!! costly nightmare. also i noticed that tiny strands of hair were being pulled out due to the tension on the hairs and the stylist said when it falls out alltogether we just replace it somewhere else. bald spots appeared!!!!!stick to clip in ones if i were you!!!
My hair is damaged and very brittle, I would like to wear clip on hair extensions, Is that a bad thing to do?
Q: My hair is barly touching my ears but still considere short, and my hair is damaged due to the overusage of a straightner which completly dried my hair up, but i would like to start using clip on hair extenisons but would dat damage my hair in any way… I just need to know the pro and cons to if i use the clip ons. Thanks in advance
A: no the clip ins are the safest bet. i had a regular extension in for breast cancer awareness, and it fell out and all the glue melted my hair. i use clip ins all the time. just tease your hair so they stay in, and make sure to use conditioner atleast twice a week.
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