What natural products can you use to whiten your teeth

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Rubbing bark of a walnut tree, strawberries, or orange peels on the teeth will help whiten, or brushing with apple cider vinegar. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-natural-products-can-you-use-to-whiten-your-teeth ]
More Answers to “What natural products can you use to whiten your teeth
How can i acheive whiter teeth using natural at home products??
i use a product called Maximum Teeth Whitening . You order it over the internet and for like $30 AUD you get 2 syringes of the whitening gell stuff, instruction booklet and a moulding thing for your teeth and instructions on how to do it. I…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Best Natural products to Whiten teeth?
Q: What are any natural teeth whitening products?
A: If you want lovely white teeth, forget natural products, go for Crest Premium White Strips, you can get them on ebay, there FANTASTIC, everyone always says what white teeth I have and i only used them a few times and results last at least 12 months.
Does anyone know of any natural products that whiten teeth?
Q: Any products that you can use to whiten your teeth that you can find right at home?
A: kittie_queen_95 – if you look at the list of ingredients in most tooth whitening products (including the strips) you may notice that the tooth whitening ingredient is some form of Hydrogen Peroxide. Just use hydrogen peroxide instead of your regular mouth wash. Every morning and before bed after brushing and flossing use Hydrogen Peroxide as your mouth wash. You can buy hydrogen peroxide (3% in the brown bottle) at your local drugstore for about $2 for a 32 ounce bottle. Mix ½ ounce hydrogen peroxide with ½ ounce hot water and swirl in your mouth for about 1 minute (hydrogen peroxide is odorless and tasteless but it FOAMS and may sting your mouth a bit). Spit out (DO NOT SWALLOW) and then rinse your mouth out several times with cool water. A 32 ounce bottle will last about one month.Hydrogen peroxide will not only whiten your teeth it also kills the bacteria in the mouth that causes bad breath and cavities.For even more tooth whitening try a hydrogen peroxide and baking soda toothpaste.
Are there any natural teeth whitening products?
Q: Hey, I was wondering if there are any natural teeth whitening products that whiten your teeth fast, like in a week or two. Atleast a month.are there any tooth paste that work? white strips? I’m not allowed to use products with chemicals or anything like that.I’ve heard of dSolve, Iwas going to get it but I’ve seen bad reviews about it.I just wanted your recomendations for any (natural) whitening products. and your experience with the products.I just wanted something that actually works.So thank you and please answer as soon as you can (:
A: A lot of the whitening strips on the market really help (the generic equivalent of Crest Whitening Strips, for example). Using them for two to four weeks really will whiten your teeth insanely. After this, use them regularly (one box covers two weeks) maybe twice a year. I don’t know what you mean when you say that you aren’t permitted to use products with a lot of chemicals. If you check the active ingredients on the box for these products, it’s usually just hydrogen peroxide.Whitening toothpaste doesn’t hurt. Don’t expect drastic results, though. As with the strips, check the active ingredients. As a general rule, the higher the percentage of active ingredient there is in a product, the more likely it is to work well.Watch your habits. Cut back on a lot of dark soft drinks, smoking, etc. And keep healthy oral health habits like brushing and flossing. Move your yapper! It helps marginally, but talking to people exercises the lips over the teeth, making it harder for stuff to build up over and in your teeth.You can’t just have white teeth and expect them to be that way forever. You have to maintain them. Keep up, and you’ll have that edge of attraction over people that have a dull, discolored smile.
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