Does putting olive oil on your eyebrows help them grow

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Yes, you can put olive oil on your eyebrows at night (lots of olive oil) and don’t wash it off, to help them grow. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does putting olive oil on your eyebrows help them grow
Does putting olive oil on your eyebrows help them grow
Yes, you can put olive oil on your eyebrows at night (lots of olive oil) and don’t wash it off, to help them grow.

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Does putting Olive Oil on a shaved part of your eyebrows make them grow faster?
Q: Okay so in my last quesition you should know part of my eye brow was shaved off. When i looked up on here for asnwers of hwo to make them grow fast i read that someone wrote putting Olive Oil on it will make it grow faster will that work or at least help alittle?((also the people who asnwered on my last question thanks for the help it helped!))
A: NO. Scientists used to think that olive oil sped up the hair growth process because it stimulates the follicle, but really it just makes your face all oily and you could get zits. I read about a girl who did the same thing and tried to fix it by shaving the other one. It just made it worse, your hair will grow back. don’t worry. Maybe use an eyebrow pencil if you really want to but it wont make much difference. If anyone makes fun of you though, who cares? If they are really shallow and insecure enough to say something then they are not worthy of your friendship and you shouldnt care what they say. So move on with your life in grace and dignity, and when this is all over you can laugh.
Is it true that if you put Olive Oil on your eyebrows they will grow ?
A: no, but here are some benefits…10 things you never knew you could do with olive oil!1. Soak your nails in olive oil for 30 minutes to cure brittle, ragged nails and cuticles.2. Rub olive oil on your hands before going to bed and your hands will be softer and smoother in the morning.3. Apply olive oil to dry or chapped lips for natural relief.4. Massage a few tablespoons of olive oil into your hair and leave it on for 30 minutes before shampooing as usual. This helps with split ends, dandruff, and dull hair.5. Use olive oil as a moisturizer for dry or cracking skin.6. Add several tablespoons of olive oil to a running bath for a soothing and relaxing treat!7. Use olive oil instead of a shaving cream.8. Olive Oil works great to take off mascara at the end of the day.9. Taking a sip of olive oil before going to bed stops snoring because it lubricates your throat.10. Rub olive oil all over your feet and then cover them with clean white socks. This will leave your feet soft and smooth!
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