Is India Ink safe for tattoos

Health related question in topics Style Beauty .We found some answers as below for this question “Is India Ink safe for tattoos”,you can compare them.

Pigments considered very safe are Carbon Black, or Bone Black, (India Ink), made from burning animal bonesand collecting the soot. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is India Ink safe for tattoos
Is it safe to be tattooed with india ink
India Ink is safe to use in tattoos. However, you should ensure that the tattoo artist’s ink and needles are sterile. ChaCha on!
Is it safe to make homemade tattoos with india ink??
Temporary tattoos are a fun, safe and non-permanent way to decorate your body and express yourself. Follow these steps and in no time you’ll have a beautiful new tattoo to show off. Here you will learn how to make your own Henna tattoos rig…
What is India Ink?
India ink, alternatively called Indian ink or Chinese ink, is a simple black ink made of carbon. It has been in use in one form or another since ancient times and became standard for writing and printing in the Western world around the turn…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

is it safe to make homemade tattoos with india ink?
A: yes my mom did it when she was drunk and young and il looks like poo but its not infected or anything just get drunk then you’ll be goodplease answer
Can I use red india ink for a tattoo?
Q: Ive used black india ink for several tattoos, and i want to do some red… is red safe to use? how does it take to skin? have you ever used it? yep…
A: Only use color on your tattoo’s if you are light in color. I am dark skined with a lot of tattoo’s.but color will not work it is a waste of money people will not see it good/
safe tattoo inks?
Q: I understand proffesional tattoo inks are by far the safest but i’ve heard of artist inks being used before. ex. Speedball india ink (non fading, 100% carbon black pigment, AP non-toxic)and FW liquid acrylic india inkare any of these types of drawing inks safer then others? Are acrylics better or worse?
A: First off, why would you want to use inks that are for drawing? If you’re not using the proper inks, odds are, its going to fade, heal splotchy, cause an infection, or worse possibly blood poisoning. Acrylic ink in a tattoo probably would not be a good idea at all as acrylic is not even that safe to use in piercings for extended periods of time because of the fact that it releases toxins into the skin when it has been at body temperature for long periods.
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