How do I stop cracking my neck

Health related question in topics Style Beauty .We found some answers as below for this question “How do I stop cracking my neck”,you can compare them.

If you often crack or pop your neck yourself, it probably means that the joints are hypermobile. Distract yourself with exercise. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do I stop cracking my neck
How can i stop cracking my neck!
i used to crack my neck constantly too. how i stopped was i just resisted the urge as much as i could. if you can’t stop all at once, try to stop slowly. eventually i stopped doing it, and my neck felt sore sometimes from not doing it. when…
How do I stop cracking my neck/back?
don’t worry, there’s no long term down side to it. Gasses build up in joints and vertebrae naturally, and it’s natural for them to pop some times. Now if you crack the knuckles in your FINGERS a lot, many many years down the road it’ll decr…
Should I stop cracking my back and neck?
The joints of the spine are pretty prone to fixation/subluxation, there are several reasons for it, muscle action, joint capsule irritation, many more. When you ‘crack’ your spine yourself, you probably get a few clicks right? The likeli…

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How to stop me neck cracking?
Q: I’ve read that cracking your neck is bad so I try my best to stop.I usually only end up cracking my neck once every say 5ish days.When I crack my neck it fells good for a while but then it hurts.If I stop cracking for good will the pain and my ligaments be okay again.And say that my neck hurts I want to crack it, what can I do to prevent that?
A: I know people who do this. I can move the cervical vertebra in my neck but since I have been seeing a chiropractor, I’ve not had the need. There are many chiropractors….if the first one doesn’t help you, go to another. I went through 2 before I found a husband/wife team that has done good things for me. Cracking your own neck may be akin to a partial chiro adjustment. Go get the real thing.
How do I stop cracking my neck?
Q: I tried to stop and it worked for a couple days, but my neck started hurting and I wanted to crack it so bad, so I did. it made it feel better for about 5 seconds but it hurts again. Is cracking your neck really unhealthy? Is it the worst thing to crack? It doesnt even feel that good, just for some reason i have to do it, like an addictive drug or something. If i dont crack for like a week will the neck pain go away? A lot of questions in one haha.
A: See a chiropractor. When you crack your neck, what’s happening is you are releasing air bubbles that naturally build up between the vertebrae in the neck (the air comes from what your blood is carrying throughout your body). Releasing that air isn’t really a problem, but when you crack your neck, you could be pulling your neck out of alignment, so that the bones are pinching your nerves ( a major source of neck pain). A good chiropractor can fix that, as well as show you some stretches you can do to maintain your spinal health.
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