How do you get your hair cut to grow faster

Health related question in topics Style Beauty .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you get your hair cut to grow faster”,you can compare them.

Vitamins, exercise, and head massages can help your hair grow faster. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you get your hair cut to grow faster
Is it true the more often you get your hair cut, the quicker it g…?
if you cut off your split, dead ends your hair will grow faster because you hair wont continue to break off.
Will my hair grow faster if i get it all cut??
hi, im 17 and i have hair about 3cm past my shoulders. i use to have really long hair before i started straightening and colouring my hair then i cut it all off short. what i want to know, is if i get a hair cut which cuts all my dead end…
How do you make your hair grow fast i just got my bangs cut and i…?
there’s really no way to make your hair grow faster, despite what people say. just use clips to pull back the bangs for now, that always looks cute! but after about a week, once you get used to the bangs, you’ll probably like them more good…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does your hair grow faster when you cut it?
Q: i’ve been wondering about this for a long time. whenever i get a haircut, it feels like the hair grows back real fast. Is this true? does your hair grow faster when you cut your hair?
A: try keeping short nails short or short hair short – yea it makes for faster growth, keep cutting often if you want faster growth
If you cut your hair, will it grow faster?
Q: I want to grow my hair out and was wondering if I should get a trim.I’ve heard the more that you get your hair cut the faster it will grow.So should I cut it or no and just let it grow?
A: Yes. If one wants to grow hair, trim the hair once every month, just the tips will do. Try for more details.
Hair cut makes your hair grow faster?
Q: Is it true when you trim your hair it grows faster? How is that possible when you hair grows from the roots not the tips.
A: Often stylist say this to their clients but they don’t explain it. It does not actually make your hair grow faster. This is how it works. When your hair is damaged it splits, when those splits don’t get cut off they turn to breakage and your ends break off, giving the appearance that your hair is not growing because it is breaking. So if you get you hair trimmed regularly split ends don’t turn in to breakage and your hair growth is noticeable. I suggest to my clients to get there hair trimmed every 6-8 weeks. Believe it or not if you keep with this routine it will actually seem like your hair is growing faster, but actually it is just healthy.
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