How do you permanently stop hair from growing

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Though there is no guaranteed procedure, electrolysis and laser removal are the most common used. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you permanently stop hair from growing
How can I permanently stop hair from growing?
doesnt it grow back thinner everytime you wax? my friend has a mother who used topluck her eyebrows all the time when she was a teenager (so they were really short) now they dont grow back at all so she doesnt have to pluck them. so maybe …
Will waxing eventually stop hair from growing permanently?
lol that’s why they call it an “infomercial” , never believe in that crap, and btw, Nad’s is the worst brand to even consider when you’re looking for waxing products. Trust me, i have tried dozens of waxes, from GiGi to Salon Grad…
How much waxing do you need to do in order for the hair to perman…?
Different bodies react differently to waxing. Every time you wax, you hope to ruin the follicle in which the hair is growing from; inhibiting it from being able to grow another hair. Sometimes the hair never grows back, and sometimes it goe…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How can I permanently stop hair from growing?
Q: I am so sick and tired of giving myself a full brazilian wax every month.Is there anything I can do to keep the hair from growing at all?
A: Laser hair removal but it requires several sessions and can be expensive
Will waxing eventually stop hair from growing permanently?
Q: I brought this product called Nad’s because of the infomercials(yeah I know bad idea lol) but also some advice from people who have used it. I think the container I brought must have been on the shelves for quite a while because it was extremely hard and not the right consistency it was suppose to be and not to mention it hurt like hell when it was supposed to be smooth and easy. But anyway I was wondering if using waxing products such as this will eventually stop hair from growing if you use it long enough. Particulary on the arm and leg areas.
A: lol that’s why they call it an “infomercial” , never believe in that crap, and btw, Nad’s is the worst brand to even consider when you’re looking for waxing products. Trust me, i have tried dozens of waxes, from GiGi to Salon Grade waxes that they sell at beauty supply stores. And the problem is, they grip not only the hairs but also the skin , that’s why it hurts a LOT more than it should. Here’s what you should do, send an email to the Nad’s company and tell them that you want to return that shitty product, and when you do, go to cvs and buy Sally Hansen Extra Strength All Over Body Waxing Kit. Trust me, there is nothing better out there. The wax only grips the hair , not the skin, and it hurts a lot less. I have coarse hair… ahem i use it for ummmm brazilian waxing lol, and that area has the coarsest hair lol, trust me, if it can pull off that, it can pull of anything!! And you won’t spend more than $10 on it. and about the hair regrowth, yes, they will stop growing almost completely, when you’re first starting to wax, you might notice that the hair grows really fast, but after a few more waxes, they will become softer and lighter. Eventually, you won’t feel much at all. And of course when you wax, the hair follicle gets weak and some hairs never even grow back, so that’s a huge plus : )))) here’s the wax :
Can i stop my chest hair from growing permanently?
Q: For some reason women do not like it, so i have decided it has to go. What are my options?
A: You’ve been going out with wrong women mate. Don’t concentrate on want they DON’T like, concentrate on what they DO like. It’s like for a woman to say “My boyfriend doesn’t like brests, I’ve got to get rid of them (brests)” it’s a bit extreme but you get the picture. Find someone who will like 100% of you!
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