Is it bad to wash your hair too much

Health related question in topics Style Beauty .We found some answers as below for this question “Is it bad to wash your hair too much”,you can compare them.

If you have dry hair wash your hair a few times a week, and every other day for oily hair. Dyed hair will fade if washed too much! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it bad to wash your hair too much
Is it bad to wash your hair too much?
Yes washing your hair too much isn’t that good. it drys out your hair and strips your hairs natural oils. you should try washing it every other day. Or just condition it instead of using shampoo.
Is washing my hair too much bad?
It depends on your hair but for every hair type, washing it every day damages it because it strips it of the natural oils and makes it dry [causing frizz and all that stuff we don’t like] Every other day is fine, just use conditioner as wel…
Is washing your hair too much bad?
I don’t think its actually bad for you but just means that you’re hair will get used to it therefore, need washing everyday. You just end washing the nutrients & natural vitamins out & your hair becomes greasier quicker & less s…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it bad to wash your hair too much?
Q: Hey. I have been starting to wash my hair a little more often. Like once a day. Is that ok? My hair always feels soft and silky afterwards but im not sure if it is ok for it to always feel that way. What im asking is – Is it bad to wash your hair too much and if so what could happen? Thanks so much! -Colette
A: Yes washing your hair too much isn’t that good. it drys out your hair and strips your hairs natural oils. you should try washing it every other day. Or just condition it instead of using shampoo.
Is it bad to wash your hair too many times?
Q: Sometimes I wash my hair a couple times a day because I hate having my hair dirty. If I go one day with out washing my hair it goes all greasy and dandruffy and it’s gross and I can’t stand it so sometimes I was my hair a couple times. Is that bad? I’ve heard that you’re only supposed to wash it everyone other day but there’s no way I can do that with my hair.(as someone just asked) I usually use pantene and I shampoo and condition my hair.
A: hello,washing your hair a couple of times isnt bad….i f your hair is quite oily,then,you can wash your hair twice.remember not to use conditioner.even if you use conditioner,dont apply too really damages your hair.use herbal esenses really works very well for such type of hair.garnier anti dandruff shampoo also reduces dandruff very i feel if you use garnier anti dandruff sahmpoo…you will defenitely feel much better.and also remember….using hair gels also causes dandruff.reduce it as much as possible.
is it bad to wash your hair every day?
Q: if i dont it turns out to be a mess ad brushing it does not work!!
A: Usually not. It depends on how your hair reacts to it. If it starts to look unnatural, then stop, and use Suave conditioner every 2 days. But if it stays natural, then yes. Wash everyday.
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