What state has most beautiful women

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According to most polls: California has the most beautiful women! 242242! ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-state-has-most-beautiful-women ]
More Answers to “What state has most beautiful women
What state has the most beautiful women?
Texas period. I’ve been everywhere.
Which state has the most beautiful hispanic/latina women??
Well, this is *extremely* subjective. I would say that the Latina women who drive me crazy have the following characteristics, remember I’m not talking about all Latina women, only those who I find attractive: Darker skin, dark hair, and …
Which state has the most beautiful asian women??
I’m counting quality in my assessment. Just look at any of the many generations of Asian carshow models there have been. 90-95% (I’m guessing) are from CA, and by far most of the hottest ones have been. I agree with you that quantity doesn’…

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Louisiana doesn’t have a lot of things but they have the most beautiful women. What state has the best?
Q: When I say Louisiana, I really mean southwest Louisiana. I also believe the south has the most beatiful women in the nation. All my life I heard about California and when I finally was able to go I was dissappointed. They were beautiful but no more than Texas or Florida. I guess I love the Creole & Cajun women of southwest Louisiana.
A: I love the state of Georgia and I personally think that Georgia women are the best looking women in the country. Hell I seen white women that have asses like a shape of a peach (and I said, “Damn girl!!!”). So you’re right that southern women got it going on!!!
Which American state has the most beautiful women according to your taste?
Q: As for myself, I prefer white athletic women; especially if they greatly resemble Northern Europeans. The percentage of these women is gradually decreasing in America; yet still they are still abundant…what about your taste, and where did you find the most attractive women; according to your personal opinion?
A: Definitely California if you like the blonde hair, blue eye Barbie look. Totally hot but every chick lloks the same. New York if you like variety. Every ethnicity, look, style. Great place to meet women (of course you’ll have to deal with that NY moxy).
What state has the most beautiful women?
Q: In the US; what do you think?
A: Texas period. I’ve been everywhere.
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