Is there a vitamin I can take to help my hair grow faster

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Hair Formula 37 faster hair growth vitamin program is a vitamin that use can use for hairloss. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is there a vitamin I can take to help my hair grow faster
Is there a vitamin I can take to help my hair grow faster
Hair Formula 37 faster hair growth vitamin program is a vitamin that use can use for hairloss. ChaCha on!
What vitamins should i take to help make my hair grow faster??
The best way for your hair to grow faster is to keep it healthy by eating and living a healthy lifestyle. Most health food stores also carry a “Hair, Skin, Nails” Vitamin (all in one) that can help keep those 3 things healthy!
Do you think if i take vitamin c it can help my hair grow faster??
Your hair grows at the rate it does, full stop.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is there a vitamin that I can take to help my hair grow faster?
Q: I want my hair to grow faster than what it is and I was just wondering if there was a vitamin that I could take to help speed the process along.
A: try prenatal vitamins. They make your hair and nails stronger and thicker too.
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Q: Has any one actually used a vitamin or anything that makes short hair grow faster? I have a lot of hair I just want to grow it long (bad haircut).
A: There is in fact a vitamin that helps your hair grow. It is Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin). My friend took this, and his hair grew quickly, however, his fingernails also grew extremely fast.For more information see
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Q: I am an 18 year old woman and i have very thin hair and i am worried it will thin out even more when i get older. I would like to take something to make my hair healthier but no prescriptions, preferably something organic.
A: I would say not to use chemicals on your hair.Why don’t you go for some home remedies. Egg whites, lemon juice, oil massages, reducing stress and diet changes can reduce hair fall and make it healthier.You can find more cheap, effective and natural home remedies for hair loss as well as for healthy hair at…
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