What are some foods or drinks that help hair grow faster

Health related question in topics Style Beauty .We found some answers as below for this question “What are some foods or drinks that help hair grow faster”,you can compare them.

More protein and less sugar is key to hair growth and regrowth. Try adding more Omega rich foods such as salmon to your diet. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-foods-or-drinks-that-help-hair-grow-faster ]
More Answers to “What are some foods or drinks that help hair grow faster
Are there any certain foods or drinks that help your hair grow lo…?
I am female and used to have long hair down to my waist. The truth is that most hair on most people is genetically programmed to grow a maximum of 6 inches a year. But there are things that you can do to maximize the potential of your hair …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What foods,vitamins, or drinks make hair grow faster?
Q: I just got my hair cut a few hours ago. Its too short and the bangs are too. Are there any foods, vitamins, or drinks (water, milk, juice) that can make my hair grow faster to the length I desire?
A: Your options are pretty slim; even if you do everything you are supposed to you may not actually see an increase in growth. Hair isn’t alive and it doesn’t grow. Hair is an accumulation of a protein called keratin inside the follicle. As it builds up on the bottom it is pushed out the top, creating “hair growth”. This is a biological process so nothing that you do to your hair, like trimming it or using some “special” shampoo can help. Eat a healthy, protein rich diet and take a regular multivitamin daily. Since hair is protein, eating foods rich in protein like peanut butter, eggs, and fish can help to accelerate growth. Milk, water, and juice aren’t going to do anything as growth is not based on general health but protein intake.
What kind of foods/drinks would make my hair grow faster?
Q: earlier today i got a buzz cut but my mom hates it and she told me she wanted it longer by the time we do Christmas pictures so I was wondering if there would be any type of food or drink that would make my hair grow fast enough by the time Christmas comes around.
A: well i was always told jello made hair grow fast.however i am not sure it will grow fast enough for christmas pictures.but good luck and eat up.
What are some daily foods I should eat to help my hair grow faster?
Q: I heard that your diet is a large contributor to how fast your hair grows.So, does anybody know of some foods and drinks that I should take daily to help my hair?
A: idk, but my hair used to grow soooo slow before i became a vegetarian…it was super weird, cause youd think the opposite would happen…
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