What are some ways to keep your hair healthy

Health related question in topics Health Style Beauty .We found some answers as below for this question “What are some ways to keep your hair healthy”,you can compare them.

Ways to keep your hair healthy: use soft, rubber-toothed wide brushes or boar hair brushes, brush hair before washing MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-ways-to-keep-your-hair-healthy ]
More Answers to “What are some ways to keep your hair healthy
What are some ways to keep my hair healthy?
there are a ton of ways to keep your hair healthy… Have you looked into the new InStyler? It works very good. you don’t need any product and it barley uses any heat.. it is very good for hair.. you could also start using Dove shampoo &…
What are some ways to keep my hair really healthy??
1- Ease up on detergents, add more conditioner – Curly hair has a different structure than straight hair and it needs more oils to stay strong and less frizzy. 2-Use a natural conditioner 3-Wean yourself off that hair dryer: dont use the ha…
Is it the right way to keep healthy hair and how much do I need t…?
What you need is not a ‘cut’ but a trim. Yes, it does add life at the end of your hair and is best done every seven to eight weeks with barely quarter of any inch to be clipped off. This is particularly helpful if you suffer from split ends…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are some good ways to keep your hair healthy?
Q: What vitamans help hair growth? And what are some good shampoos?
A: pantene is great for thick hair and for curly/color treated hair (or any combination of the three lol) i would suggest garnier fructris for thin hair also if you just wash your hair and leave any conditioner in for 30 minutes it helps soften it or try olive oil not a lot but a little with the conditioner rain water works well too. i don’t know what it does but it helps me a lot (maybe because it has a lot of natural things in it from being evaporated from many climates and picks up natural minerals)
What are good natural ways to keep your hair healthy?
Q: I have semi-long,thick and dark hair. What are so ways to keep it super healthy,full, and pretty by just using food, or common things around the house. (besides shampoo)
A: this is gonna sound weird but tea has turned out to be a really good conditioner(I use green tea because black tea also serves as a rinse to make your hair darker)few kep pionts*make sure it doesnt have sugar in it*its suggested that after you shampoo to pour it on you hair and rinse it, but my best results came from p[ouring it on before, letting it sit abit, shampooing, then reapplying a little more, let it sit alittle while(say 5 minutes most) and rinsing it again
What are some ways to keep my hair healthy and strong?
Q: any tips,suggestions? on ways to keep it healthy,strong,and grow long?(i already have garner frutis length and strength)
A: do u know aloevera ??? well before you decide to wash your hair..take some inside part of it (as jelly) and put them on your hair roots. wait about an hour and you can massage a bit. then (of course u better wrap your hair with a towel)..then wash your hair with the shampoo u prepare with conditioner for the last.that way giving your hair thick and strong.
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