What happens if you put toothpaste on a pimple

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Some toothpastes contain ingredients which can help get rid of pimples, while others do not, and in some cases irritate the skin [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-happens-if-you-put-toothpaste-on-a-pimple ]
More Answers to “What happens if you put toothpaste on a pimple
Does putting toothpaste on a pimple work?
Yes it does put it on right before you go to bed and cover it with a band-aid (so it doesn’t get in your hair) and rinse it off in the morning. Or you can basically do it anytime during the day just give yourself enough time to keep it on. …
Does putting toothpaste on a pimple really work?
Well i do this to i use a Q-tip ti apply it right on the pimple but he best toothpaste to use is the original white peppermint the other ones that are blue and pink and stuff dont work. The peppermint toothpaste might burn but it will help …
Could you put toothpaste on pimples to make them go away?
Yes this works really well. but it does take longer to dissapear

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What happens if you put toothpaste on a pimple?
Q: I want to find out if i should try it.
A: i think it’ll make it bigger cuz there are chemicals in it.
What Happens If You Put ToothPaste On A Pimple RIGHT After It’s Been Popped? Can Anything Bad Happen?
Q: I Don’t Normaly Get Big Pimples But Just Recently I Got One…. :[ So, I Used Clear And Clear To Wash My Face When I Took A Shower, AfterWards I Dabbed A Cotton Ball With Hot Water On The Pimple, Then I Popped My Pimple… It Was Really Red Lol, But Then I Dabbed Some ToothPaste On The Pimple And The ToothPaste Is On Right Now And It’s Kinda Burning… So I Was Wondering If Anything Bad Could Possibly Happen To My Skin For Doing This. Please Help! Love Always, AlyssaAnx!ety
A: no it just drys up the spot
When you put toothpaste on a pimple and it dries out Does it always leave a dark spot or is this only for me?
Q: I had two hugs pimples. One omy cheek and one on my nose and I put colgate on them and they dried out but they left these dark spot. Does this happen all the time and what can you do to make them go away
A: that’s never happened to me before…try proactive.
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