What is the most popular clothing color

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Depends where you live. Black seems to be worn the most. ChaCha [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-most-popular-clothing-color ]
More Answers to “What is the most popular clothing color
Are Certain Colors of Clothing Most Popular in your City??
Where I live in FL, shades of blue and green seem to be really popular. Then again, I live in the middle of the ONF, which is full of trees and lakes. I’ve also noticed a lot of off-white and red. Personally, it doesn’t matter what time of …
Who decides which colors will be popular in home decoration, clot…?
The Color Marketing Group and the Color Association of the United States are trade associations that forecast popularity of colors based on current selling trends and educated guesses about new colors that might stimulate the buying public….
What is the most popular clothes color this year?
for spring and summer it is bright colors liek YELLOW and ORANGE and RED and i guess PINK just big bright colors and so are tribal patterns and like a bag with theat get seventeen mag or vogue

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why is black such a popular clothing color?
Q: I’ve tried to get into it and other dark colors, but I just can’t. It makes me look dead. I have fair skin and dark hair, though I’ve seen other women with similar features look great in black. I look like death. Why can some fair dark haired women wear it and look fine and others not? Why is it such a popular color, anyway? Suits, most professional wear is dark. I love pastels and light colors, but they’re mostly reserved for kids clothes or older women’s clothing. Why is this since it makes most women look so much better, imo? I’ve heard light shades wash people out, but I disagree – it makes me look like I have some color, and I definitely prefer pink and light blue or green when I have a tan. I’ve kinda been getting into a dark phase – I’m rebelling since I’m not looking forward to summer. I love fall and am craving dark colors for some reason. Though I don’t think I can do it since I wore black today and just felt so yucky. Black also makes me look older, I think. I’m 27, but even at my age black accentuates fine lines I’m getting. Do you wear black and why do you like it?
A: I wear black and I love it… Black is just such a versatile color. It looks clean and sleek, and it’s also slimming.
what is the most popular color this season? – clothing, accessories-?
A: Navy blues, chocolate browns, apricot oranges!!!
Now that its fall, what are the popular colors & clothing? ?
Q: Fall season has begun… what do you think is in style for this season?
A: Purple is coming back, as usual in fall.Browns and other neutrals, such as navy, black, and gray, always are hot fall colors.Yellow paired with black is also seen a lot.Gray is especially making a comeback this fall season; you can find it on most runways.As for clothing, leather bomber jackets are coming back and plaid is emerging. Swing jackets are good for warmer fall weather.Boots are always a must in fall and this year’s trend is flat suede boots.You can check out The Budget Babe for more style tips.
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