What karat of gold is the best

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The purest gold is 24 karat gold. This tends to make the ring soft and can be bent. Thanks for using ChaCha. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-karat-of-gold-is-the-best ]
More Answers to “What karat of gold is the best
Is 14 karat gold ok ? Or is it best to wear 24 karat??
14 is probably ok if it isn’t th nickel you are allergic to. nickel is used to harden jewelery. I buy hypoallergenic and it works best
Is 18 karat or 22 karat gold better than 14 karat gold??
It’s a matter of personal preference. Except for pure gold, which is 24 karat, other karatage of gold reflects a mixture of pure gold plus an alloy such as silver or copper. To be labeled 18 karat, the metal must be 18 parts pure gold and 6…
Which will clean 18 karat gold best, vinegar, baking soda, or iso…?
18 carat gold should not be tarnished at all! It all depends on what the dirt is, whether it’s organic in nature (old skin) or not. It will be safe to try all three, I assure you!

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How much is a 1972 24 karat gold susan b anthony coin worth?
Q: I have a 1972 24 karat gold,Susan B Anthony coin and want to know how much it is worth. It is from the first day of minting on July 2, 1972 by the U.S. mint. I looked for the value on the internet and can’t find it can you please help me.
A: What does it say on it? Does it say “One Dollar”? If so, that is what it’s worth. Susan B. Anthony dollars are gold in color, but are not made of gold. Adonized aluminum or some cr*p.It it lists its weight, and says something like “.999 fine”, then you can get excited.
How much is a three ring, 14 karat gold ring worth?
Q: I have a three ring 14 karat gold ring that I would like to know how much it is worth. Each ring is a different type of gold. The first is white gold, then yellow gold, and rose gold. Wow, Thank you all for your answers!
A: The value of the gold in your jewelry is determined by purity and weight. You already told us the purity, 14K, which means 14/24, or 58.3% pure gold.The current spot price of gold is $877.80 / troy ounce, so if I divide that by 31.1 grams / troy ounce, and prorate 58.3%, I get $16.46 per gram. That is the value of the gold in your rings. The rings are potentially worth much more, but like anything else, they are worth whatever someone will pay you for them.Grandpa
What is the difference in 10,12, and 14 karat gold?
Q: I am looking at some white gold rings as our matching wedding bands, and They range from 60-400 dollars. They are 10,12, and 14 karat gold. I know that means 10k is less than 12k etc. but what is the actual difference besides cost and amount of gold? Will 10k flake off sooner than 14k or will it flake off at all? I would wear it every day.. So I am kinda new and confused.
A: As someone else said, gold is very soft, and is often mixed with other metals to make it stronger. 24K is solid gold, wheras 10K has 10 parts gold and 14 parts something else.12K would be 50% gold, and 14K has 14 parts gold to 10 of something else. Gold does not oxidize or tarnish, but silver and copper do. I would not expect any quality ring to flake off.I have a white gold wedding ring I have worn continuously for the last 34 years. I cannot tell you what K rating it has, but it is my understanding that most white gold is 18K, 75% gold .My ring has not flaked, chipped or discolored, despite the wear and tear the rest of my body has experienced.
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