When will my mom put streaks in my hair

Health related question in topics Style Beauty .We found some answers as below for this question “When will my mom put streaks in my hair”,you can compare them.

My Online Magic Crystal Ball says “What do you think?” (It’s being snotty today.) Maybe you should ask your mom about the streaks. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-will-my-mom-put-streaks-in-my-hair ]
More Answers to “When will my mom put streaks in my hair
Do I tell my mom about the streak i got in my hair??
You can either:・ 1. If you want to do the right thing, then tell her. But be prepared to to take an action from her. ・ 2. If you choose not to tell her, hide the streak under your regular hair, or pull it all up in a bun …
How do i convince my mom to let me get ONE red streak in my hair??
When I got my pink streak, I told my mom how I really wanted a change and it wasn’t permanent so I could get rid of it if I ever was sick of it. Tell her you want to stand out! Good luck! If you do get it get it though, get it towards the b…
How do I convince my mom to let me get a blond and red streak in …?
Get clip in extensions and take them out when your around your mom.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

I want to put pink streaks in my hair but my mom won’t let me do it until I find a picture of what I want?
Q: does any one no of anywebsites where I could possible find a picture? I just want to do pink streaks evenly balanced, and I have tried google image search but I haven’t found anything. (I have a medium brown shade of hair)I have also been thinking of maybe just dying the underneith half of my hair then putting two streaks in the front of my hair (I wear my hair parted to the side over my face… yes emo) What kind of hair cut would look best with that? Right now I have a strait no layer cut that is just passed my shoulder.I would like pictures of both styles if possible, and thanks in advanced for any pictures and/ or tips.
A: Go to a hair salon and ask to look at their books, go to sally’s beauty it is a place where you can get specialty dye, they have tons of pics on the boxes…I used to dye my hair red and pink and now I dye my sisters red and the edges midnight blue….Good Luck!
Hey im 14 and want to put streaks in my hair but my mom wont let me , how do i do it with hydrogen peroxide??
Q: ok um i dont know how to do this but really im doing it to impress a guy so i need help.and also my mom wont let me color it so that is why im doing it at home.
A: Didn’t you just say your mom won’t let you?
What color streaks should I put in my hair?
Q: I’m 15, and my mom is finally letting me put streaks in my hair. I’ve already decided on 3 colors, and i need one more. The colors that i picked are hot pink, neon blue, and electric purple. Those colors may seem odd, but that’s my personality. So if anyone has any suggestions, please answer!!!
A: What about a neon or bright green? seeing as you’ve had the toher bright colourss ?
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