Why do some males shave their underarms

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Lots of men, such as swimmers, shave there armpits for more speed in the water. Some men do it just to look better. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-some-males-shave-their-underarms ]
More Answers to “Why do some males shave their underarms
Is it OK to shave your underarms with a shaving razor blade at 16…?
Why would you shave your armpits? Are you rebelling against puberty? It’s “okay” but it’s pointless.
Why do male bodybuilders shave their body hair specifically the u…?
With competitive bodybuilders its all about showing what ya got. During the contest a hairy guy would have some of his definintion and muscle covered up. Regarding the underarm, a big patch of hair would draw the attention away from the res…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why do women bother shaving their underarms/legs?
Q: We’ve only been doing it for the past – what? Hundred years or so? Which is a tiny speck of time compared to the length of human history. Body hair was never considered “gross” before, so why do, like 95% of people think it is now? Why is it acceptable for males to have body hair and not females?Armpit hair I can understand a little, because pits can smell sometimes, but if thats the reason for shaving then why don’t men do it too? legs don’t smell. What’s wrong with leg hair?Shaving/waxing takes a lot of maintinence. Why bother? Who decided that it feels/looks nicer and when?
A: Predictably most answers say to remove it. But some guys like myself actually prefer a real natural woman with body hair- not a bearded freak- just a normal woman with pit/pubic/leg hair. It doesn’t detract from real femininity, just a barbie doll concept of it!Personally it feels much bettter than stubble + looks far better than those little black dots/ingrown hairs or red legs that don’t like chemicals applied to it.Many guys ( + women are even more critical) don’t like the fuzz, but there’s a sizeable minority of guys who like women with body hair + we’re not bi-sexual or closet gays! We love the earthiness of what a woman really looks/feels like.
why do women feel compelled to shave their underarms/legs?
Q: I think unshaven women are so much more attractive — it conveys confidence and independence. or is it just laziness. I’m a 32 y/o male, and can’t seem to find any hirsute women.
A: Take a trip to Germany or France and see how the women there feel about body hair………It’s a totally different story than in the states…….I myself take pride in the fact that my legs and underarms are clean shaven and look good………..Just my opinion, though……..Take care……….
Is it OK to shave your underarms with a shaving razor blade at 16 being male?
Q: Its not against being manly, it just looks much more presentable in my opinion, haven’t you seen all the superstars in wwe, the mass majority of them shave most of their hair off, especially under the arms because it looks much more presentable
A: Why would you shave your armpits? Are you rebelling against puberty? It’s “okay” but it’s pointless.
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