Can extreme stress result in a miscarriage

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A:There is no certain link between extreme stress and miscarriage. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can extreme stress result in a miscarriage
Can extreme stress result in a miscarriage
There is no certain link between extreme stress and miscarriage. ChaCha on!
Can stress result in miscarriage?
Hello, a lot of people will tell you that stress will cause you to miscarry. Whilst obviously it would be better if you wernt stressed but i was told by my doctor that this isnt true. Since becoming pregnant i have developed and anxiety dis…

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Help! Pregnant friend caused huge stress on me?
Q: I’m 16, and i’m just over 4 months pregnant with a baby boy. My friend this morning, (i can’t get to sleep, it got so bad that i collapsed and had to be taken to hospital where i slept for over an hour. Really panicked everyone)Anyway, she told me today she thought she might be pregnant, (but she had just a few months ago had a miscarriage and it crushed her, so i find it mental that she’s now pregnant again.) And we had a massive argument and at the end i was in tears but felt that my heart rate had increased majorly, and that my breathing was more like a dog pant and i had extreme nausea and i fainted. I really want to help my friend, but i fear for my own baby’s life and if i can avoid any danger then i will because the odds are stacked against me already.Anyway, if anyone can help, maybe suggest what i can tell her to help her ect. Shes getting a test tomorrow and will phone me with the results, which she is possitive, that it will be negative.Sorry for all the reading. lolThanks, xx
A: you helping your friend and being a good support for her in the things she wants to do will make her happy. and if you make her happy then theres less stress for you. no matter what, even if you don’t agree. this is her issue and choices. she did this on her won, she needs to make choices on her own. (execpt for the father) so you saying “i will support you with any decission you make” will decress stress, and she will have more respect for you for being so supportive. then your all happy and your baby will be ok. plus, even though she’s young. she might want a baby. but again, thats her choice…..btw, congrats!!
is abortion wrong if the life of the mother is threatened, the baby will die on birth or otherwise?
Q: due to gods grace and intelligent design, the egg must travel through the fallopian tube into the womb, pregnancy can occur before the egg reaches the womb and the egg can be fertilized in the cervix, the fallopian tube or the ovary. all of which resulted in the deaths of countless thousands of mishap pregnancies over human history. today, an abortion can save the mothers life, but due to gods grace, the fetus will not survive in any way and without an abortion will kill the mother. is abortion legitimate here?what about rape? what if to force a woman to carry the rape child, she would be subject to stress and depression that almost guarantee suicide when coupled with PND?what about extreme birth defects? ones that either result in extremely premature birth, still birth, natural miscarriage (god’s abortion yay!), or a child likely to be born into a world and suffer such difficulties that it will live for a mere couple hours before succumbing to a defect? we can detect these early, extreme cases are almost always aborted for the good of not just the mother, but the fetus too. is abortion wrong here?please religious people. what point is “thou shalt not kill” important. think of all the people killed in war by christians. and yet, you wont be kind enough to support being a mercy angel?-Friendly Neighbourhood Atheist
A: Abortion is the woman’s right.
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