What happens when a girl is pregnant and has a miscarriage

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A:A miscarriage is the loss of a pregnancy before 24 weeks. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-happens-when-a-girl-is-pregnant-and-has-a-miscarriage ]
More Answers to “What happens when a girl is pregnant and has a miscarriage
What happens when a girl is pregnant and has a miscarriage
A miscarriage is the loss of a pregnancy before 24 weeks. ChaCha!

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What happens when a girl has a miscarriage at three months?
Q: When I was younger I had a girlfriend who I lost touch with. I bumped into her a couple of days ago and she told me I got her pregnant and that she miscarried at three months. I don’t really know if I believe her, the story sounds like a lie.What happens when girls miscarry that far along. Do they give birth? Do they have to stay at a hospital after?What is a D&C?
A: No you can miscarry at any time the first three months are the most fragile and also when most women miscarry. No you do not give birth it most likely just like a large blood clot and lots of bleeding. At three months the baby is tiny tiny. You do not have to stay at the hospital after.
Do you know what happens when you have a miscarriage and you where already 4 months pregnant?
Q: I know this girl that had a miscarriage at 4 months along. She did nt even know until a week later that the baby had miscarried. What do they do to the baby and is it possible to see the baby….will they let you see it?
A: did she miscarry alone without doctors around or was she in the hospital? because if she miscarriage on her own theres no way she wouldnt have known…. by four months the baby is totally shaped and formed. if she was at the hospital and they did an extraction well maybe they would not let her see the child because basically they tear it out in parts since its kinda big already– about maybe 3-4in long. one of the ladies before me wrote that the baby would look animal like— she doesnt even know!!! no matter what no baby looks animal like even if they are miscarried or stillborn!!! i wish your friend the best in healing, i lost my daughter at 20wks into my pregnancy her heart was no longer beating but i got induced and naturally had her… i got to see her. she was 6 ins long and 5.2 oz. i am gonna attach a loss group link that i am in becasue its so very helpful in healing!!! miscarriage poem— i hope it brings her comfort”My Lord, the baby is dead!Why, my Lord–dare I ask why? It will not hear the whisper of the wind or see the beauty of its parents’ face–it will not see the beauty of Your creation or the flame of a sunrise. Why, my Lord?””Why, My child–do you ask ‘why’? Well, I will tell you why.You see, the child lives. Instead of the wind, he hears the sound of the angels singing before My throne. Instead of beauty that passes, he sees everlasting Beauty–he sees My face. He was created and lived for a short time so the image of his parents imprinted on his face may stand before Me as their personal intercessor. He knows secrets of heaven unknown to men on earth. He laughs with a special joy that only the innocent possess. My ways are not the ways of man. I create for My Kingdom and each creature fills a place in that Kingdom that could not be filled by another. He was created for My joy and his parents’ merits. He has never seen pain or sin. He has never felt hunger or pain. I breathed a soul into a seed, made it grow and called it forth.”even thought you will still very often question why and still yell at God occasionally…do not be worried…because He can take it. Just know He is slowly healing your heart.
Girl pregnant for 5-6 weeks and has smoked pot, and drank. What could happen to the baby?
Q: Ok thats only half of it. I heard of this girl that just found out she is pregnant for about 5-6 weeks and during this time period shes been drunk a number of times, she smoked pot close to every day, smokes cigarettes, and drinks 4+ caffeinated drinks a day.Now the father apparently is big into drugs and theres a good chance he had them in his system when he impregnated her. He does oxycotton, hydrochodone, cocaine, pills, pot, heroine, and maybe more. What could happen to this baby and what are the chances of anything happening? Whether it is born with health problems, or miscarriages. What would a doctor recommend the best course of action could be?yea i heard she has been having a lot of unprotected sex with this guy for a long time now
A: The baby could suffer from multiple brain defects. Not only that but also all of the babys organs can fail or be fatal in the early stages of life. With this, the baby could be healthy in all but its about a 37 out of 100 chance. :/. If this pregnancy turns out to fail, it could also bring EXTREME harm to the mother while she is giving birth. This is NOT good. I DEFINITELY suggest going to a doctor. They can try to help with medications, but it doesnt look good. Im sorry 🙁 Hope I helped :/
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