Can onions make someone depressed

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There is no evidence that onions cause depression. Onions have many health benefits, including inhibiting bone loss, improving the integrity of blood vessels, and reducing blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Thanks! ChaCha [ Source: ]
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Can onions make someone depressed
There is no evidence that onions cause depression. Onions have many health benefits, including inhibiting bone loss, improving the integrity of blood vessels, and reducing blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Thanks! ChaCha

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i never cry, is there something wrong with me?
Q: I could cry when i was little. Actually, I could randomly make myself cry (which my father attributed to acting skills) and could wail for hours on end to make a show of it. But I think the times I have truly cried in the past… possibly six years (since I was 9) are very slim. My mother says that besides when i was a child, she couldn’t count the number of times I’ve cried on her fingers. It’s not that I can’t produce tears, I’ve never met someone so prone to onion cries and my eyes constantly water when I yawn, especially when I’m going to bed and I close them. I think they are overflowing because nothing comes out. I can’t cry at sad movies or books, but sometimes i feel overwhelmed with emotion but cannot cry.My friends think I’m cracked actually. My parents were divorced when I was six (but honestly theres nothing wrong in my family with that, it’s something I’ve always known) and then my father divorced again just a few years ago (that was more turmoil, but it was before then that I stopped crying). They think that I’m emotionally inept or something.I don’t think I’m off that way really. I just don’t feel sad. Even when my stepgrandfather died whom I had known since I was six or seven, I didn’t cry. In fact, I just didn’t feel sad. A kid in my school died last year and every girl I knew cried, except me. I’ve seen everyone of my friends cry, most of them multiple times, when they are happy or sad or annoyed. They can come home after a bad day and just cry. I can’t do that. The thought just never crosses me mind, crying. If I had a bad day, to be honest I wouldn’t notice. I don’t count the number of things that go wrong. I forget and move on probably too quickly. I don’t think I feel grief properly. I just don’t get depressed or sad or PMS or something, I’m naturally happy (with side effects)So I’m just wondering if there is something wrong with me. Once I looked up asphergers but that’s not me, I’m not socially awkward in any manner and not physically clumsy. I’m normal pretty much. I get very high grades and play sports and piano and write. Maybe some physical things that might be weird about me, I get hot sometimes when its cold and vice versa. I eat really weird food combinations that I crave. I work out constantly because i have a backwards metabolism. I sometimes get that ringing in my ear when its really loud, and I’m rarely sick enough to go to the doctors and take medicine besides cough drops and occassionaly tylenol. That’s everything now that could possibly answer the question if there is something mentally or physically wrong with me. Please just tell me if there’s something wrong, because sometimes I think people worry about me. (I’m not too worried though, but i rarely worry about stuff that won’t usually happen). Thank you so much if you actually even took the time to read all this (:
A: I don’t really see anything wrong with your story or you, you’re just a really strong person. Your story reminded me of a girl at a retreat I helped run a few months back, when we divided into small groups, she was in mine, and during the course of the discussion she stated she had the perfect life, with loving parents, and was raised not to cry, and never did, but after an activity later in the day when we split back to small groups she broke out into tears and went through a 1/4 of a box of kleenex. She kept apologizing but we kept telling her she was only human. it just takes a certain event/moment, and all the emotions will come out. you just haven’t had it yet
Translate English – French please? I promise to choose best answer – definitely!?
Q: I have a french pen pal, and here’s some of the things I would like to say, but don’t know how. If you help me, I would appreciate it SO much.thank you!1. My favorite meal is kimchi mandu. It’s a korean dish. It’s basically just like dumplings, but better! It takes a really long time to make kim chi mandu, but I love it so much that I don’t care how long it takes for me to make them. To prepare to make this meal, you would need kim chi, noodles, patience, and a lot of love!2. When I was young, my favorite dish was a simple grilled-chicken salad with croissants, topped with ranch or italian dressing.3. For my birthday, I would want a chef to make me a really good omlette. I like my omlettes to have tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, green peppers, diced ham, and cheese. A side of hashbrowns goes well with an omlette in my opinion. And for dessert, I would want a tiramisu (my favorite dessert).4. I would never want to be a doctor. I don’t have the patience to go to school for so long. Also, I don’t want to be around sick people because it’s depressing, and I don’t want to catch anything.5. When I was young, I wanted to be a police officer. I always used to watch cop shows, and I always wanted to be able to arrest someone one day. I know… I was a weird child.6. In 20 years, I hope to be an English teacher in Korea. To do this, I’m going to go to a 4 year college to sharpen up my English and Korean language skills. Then, I plan on moving to a really big city in Korea such as Seoul and hopefully, there will be many job opportunities for me to become a teacher there.7. If I had 1,000,000 dollars, I would first donate money to charity, and to the cancer foundation. Then, I would give some money to my parents. With the rest of the money, I would buy a yacht, a plane ticket to China, buy an inground pool, a trampoline, and new clothes. And maybe get myself a decent haircut.8. I would share the 1,000,000 dollars with my parents. I can’t choose between my mom and dad! That’s impossible! They’re both very good to me so I would share the money with both of them. They’re very important to me, and they’ve always done nice things for me. I feel like I should pay them back some way. They bought me a new car this year, my dad’s paid for all the visits I’ve had with the doctors, etc. My mom helps with my laundry, takes me to places, buys me korean dramas, etc. 9. If I had an unlimited amount of money, I would travel to China, Korea, or Russia. I would definitely go see all the big major cities, hang out at the beach, etc.10. I think buying grass seeds are a waste of money. I could care less what my lawn looks like! I could use that money to buy something important like food.=)MERCI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!10 points to anyone who can help me!please and thank you!bisous-yuriMaster Meleah: I’m not THAT stupid. Don’t use online translators please.
A: 1. Mon repas favoris est Kimchi Mandu. C’est un repas coréen. Ça ressemble à des dumplings (yes we do use dumplings as a word in French, but it can translate to : boulettes de pâte), mais c’est meilleur! C’est très long à cuisiner, mais j’aime tellement en manger que le temps de préparation m’importe peu. Pour préparet ce met, tu auras besoin de Kim Chi, de nouilles, de patience et de beaucoup d’amour!2. Lorsque j’étais jeune, mon repas préféré (or favori) était une simple salade de poulet grillé avec des croissants, assaisonnée d’une vinaigrette ranch ou italienne (this is the litteral translation, because I guess the croissant don’t go in the salad… for correct French you should say : Lorsque j’étais jeune, mon repas préféré était une simple salade de poulet grillé assaisonné d’une vinaigrette ranch ou italienne et accompagnée d’un croissant.)3. Pour mon anniversaire, je voudrais qu’un chef cuisiner me fasse une excellente omelette. Dans mon omelette, j’aime avoir des tomates, des champignons, des oignons, des poivrons verts, du jambon en cube et du fromage. À mon avis, un accompagnement de petites patates brunes est excellent avec une omelette. Et pour dessert, j’aimerais avoir un tiramisu (mon dessert favori).4. Je ne voudrais jamais être un médecin (or docteur). Je n’ai pas la patience pour aller à l’école aussi longtemps. Aussi, je ne veux pas être avec des gens malade puisqu’ils me dépriment, et je ne veux pas attraper quoi que ce soit. (however instead of quoi que ce soit, I would say une maladie)5. Lorsque j’étais jeune, je voulais être un policier. Je regardais toujours des émissions de télévision figurant des policiers, et j’ai toujours voulu procéder à l’arrestation de quelqu’un un jour. Je sais, j’étais un enfant étrange.6. Dans 20 ans, j’espère être un professeur d’anglais en Corée. Pour atteindre ce bue, je devrai aller à l’université pendant 4 ans pour parfaire mon anglais et mon coréen. Ensuite, je planifie de déménager dans une très grosse ville de Corée, par exemple comme Séoul et avec un peu de chance, il y aura plusieurs opportunités d’enseignement pour moi.7. Si j’avais un million de dollars, je donnerais en premier lieu à un organisme de charité, et à la fondation du cancer. Ensuite, je donnerais de l’argent à mes parents. Avec ce qu’il me reste, j’achèterais un bateau (you can use yacht), un billet d’avion pour la Chine, une piscine intérieure, un trampoline et des nouveaux vêtements. Je me ferais aussi probablement couper les cheveux (décemment if you want to add decent).8. Je partagerais ce million de dollars avec mes parents. Je n’arrive pas à choisir entre ma mère et mon père! C’est impossible! Ils sont tous deux très bon avec moi, alors je partagerais l’argent avec les deux. Ils sont très importants pour moi, et ils sont toujours entrain de faire des choses gentilles pour moi. Je me sens comme si je leur devais quelque chose en quelque sorte. Ils m’ont acheté une nouvelle voiture cette année, mon père a payé pour toutes mes visites chez le médecin etc… Ma mère m’aide avec ma lessive, me reconduits partout, m’achète des “dramas” coréens. (dramas is not translatable as drames… replace the word with film or série télévisée, whichever is appropriate)9. Si j’avais des ressources illimitées, je voyagerais en Chine, en Corée ou en Russie. J’irais définitivement visiter toutes les grandes villes et j’irais sur la plage etc…10. Je pense qu’acheter des graines de gazon est un gaspillage d’argent. Je me fous complètement de l’apparence de ma pelouse. Je pourrais utiliser cet argent pour acheter des choses importantes, telles que de la nourriture.
Anglais –> Francais, sil vous plait^^?
Q: I have a french pen pal, and here’s some of the things I would like to say, but don’t know how. If you help me, I would appreciate it SO much.thank you!1. My favorite meal is kimchi mandu. It’s a korean dish. It’s basically just like dumplings, but better! It takes a really long time to make kim chi mandu, but I love it so much that I don’t care how long it takes for me to make them. To prepare to make this meal, you would need kim chi, noodles, patience, and a lot of love!2. When I was young, my favorite dish was a simple grilled-chicken salad with croissants, topped with ranch or italian dressing.3. For my birthday, I would want a chef to make me a really good omlette. I like my omlettes to have tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, green peppers, diced ham, and cheese. A side of hashbrowns goes well with an omlette in my opinion. And for dessert, I would want a tiramisu (my favorite dessert).4. I would never want to be a doctor. I don’t have the patience to go to school for so long. Also, I don’t want to be around sick people because it’s depressing, and I don’t want to catch anything.5. When I was young, I wanted to be a police officer. I always used to watch cop shows, and I always wanted to be able to arrest someone one day. I know… I was a weird child.6. In 20 years, I hope to be an English teacher in Korea. To do this, I’m going to go to a 4 year college to sharpen up my English and Korean language skills. Then, I plan on moving to a really big city in Korea such as Seoul and hopefully, there will be many job opportunities for me to become a teacher there.7. If I had 1,000,000 dollars, I would first donate money to charity, and to the cancer foundation. Then, I would give some money to my parents. With the rest of the money, I would buy a yacht, a plane ticket to China, buy an inground pool, a trampoline, and new clothes. And maybe get myself a decent haircut.8. I would share the 1,000,000 dollars with my parents. I can’t choose between my mom and dad! That’s impossible! They’re both very good to me so I would share the money with both of them. They’re very important to me, and they’ve always done nice things for me. I feel like I should pay them back some way. They bought me a new car this year, my dad’s paid for all the visits I’ve had with the doctors, etc. My mom helps with my laundry, takes me to places, buys me korean dramas, etc. 9. If I had an unlimited amount of money, I would travel to China, Korea, or Russia. I would definitely go see all the big major cities, hang out at the beach, etc.10. I think buying grass seeds are a waste of money. I could care less what my lawn looks like! I could use that money to buy something important like food.=)MERCI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!10 points to anyone who can help me!please and thank you!bisous-yuriNo online translators please^^
A: 1. Mon repas préféré est le Kimchi Mandu, un met coréen. C’est comme des dumplings mais en mieux! C’est vraiment long préparer du Kimchi Mandu, mais cela ne me dérange pas puisque j’aime vraiment trop cela. Pour en faire, il te faudrait du Kimchi, des nouilles de la patience et beaucoup d’amour.(don’T what things are dumplings, so you will have to find, sorry)2. Lorsque j’étais petit, mon met favori était simplement de la salade de poulet grillé avec une vinaigrette italienne ou ranch et des croissants.3. À l’occasion de mon anniversaire, j’aimerais qu’un chef me fasse une bonne omelette.J’aime qu’il y est des tomates, des oignons, des champignons, des poivrons verts, du jambon en cube et du fromage. Des hashbrowns vont bien avec une omelette selon moi. Et, pour dessert, je veux un tiramisu (mon dessert favori).4. Je ne voudrais jamais devenir médecin. Je n’ai pas la patience d’aller à l’école si longtemps. Aussi, je n’apprécierais pas être en compagnie de gens malades parce que c’est déprimant et que je pourrais attraper quelquechose.5. Lorsque j’étais enfant, je voulais devenir officier de police. J’avais habitude de regarder des séries policières et j’ai toujours voulu arrêter quelqu’un un jour. J’étais plutôt étrange.6. Dans 20 ans, j’espère être un professeur d’anglais en Corée. Pour cela, je vais aller dans un collège durant 4 ans pour améliorer mon anglais et mon coréen. Ensuite, je prévois déménager dans une grande ville de Corée comme Séoul, et, espérons-le, aura-t-il assez d’opportunité pour devenir enseignant là-bas.7. Si j’avais un million de dollars, j’irais d’abord faire un don aux œuvres de charité, puis j’irais ensuite donner aux fondations pour la lutte contre le cancer. Puis, j’en donnerais à mes parents. Avec le reste, je me paierais un yacht, un billet d’avion pour la Chine, une piscine creusée, un trampoline et de nouveaux vêtements. Peut-être aussi veillerais-je à me faire faire une coupe de cheveux décente.8. Je partagerais le million avec mes parents. Je ne peux choisir entre les deux. C’est impossible! Étant tous deux si bons avec moi, je partagerais le montant avec les deux. Ils sont très importants pour moi et ont souvent fait de bonnes choses pour moi. J’ai l’impression que je me doit de les remercier d’une façon ou d’une autre. Ils m’ont offerts une nouvelle automobile, mon père pais pour les visites chez le médecin et tout, ma mère fais la lessive, me transporte, m’achète des dramas coréennes.9. Si je disposais d’un montant illimité, j’irais certainement en Chine, en Corée ou en Russie. J’irais dans toute les grandes villes, aux plages, etc.10. Je pense que d’acheter des graines de pelouse consiste en un gaspillage d’argent. Je pourrais moins m’en faire qu’en au look de ma pelouse! Je pourrais l’utiliser pour acheter quelquechose d’important comme de la nourriture!Ok some words aren’T translated:Dumplingshash brownsDramaYou have to explain what you mean in food stuff; they give pretty much any name to food these day!What are dramas? books? if so, just replace Dram by “livres”sorry, just forgot some names so that’S all I could do!General stuff and modifications:I have tried to keep the same irronic tone and descriptive lines where you putted them so it sounds like you made humor where you wished to make some.Also, I have modified some sentence and word order so it can sound more french and not like a translated version.I took on my own to modify some sentence to make them more soft; some of yours sounded near to be provocative in french. (I just used stylistic processes to reduce the impact of their weight)All these do no modify the general meaning of your sentences; it improves them so it sounds French written.
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