Can someone cause a miscarriage

Health related question in topics Causes .We found some answers as below for this question “Can someone cause a miscarriage”,you can compare them.

A:Most miscarriages happen on their own if there is just something wrong with the forming fetus. It isn’t anyone’s fault, really. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can someone cause a miscarriage
Can someone cause a miscarriage
Most miscarriages happen on their own if there is just something wrong with the forming fetus. It isn’t anyone’s fault, really.
What can cause someone to have a miscarriage at 27 weeks?
At 27 weeks, it is considered a stillbirth unfortunately. I’m really sorry your friend is going through this, it is very difficult to cope with. There are a number of reasons that could have caused a loss this late in a pregnancy (infection…
Can someone stepping on your stomach cause a miscarriage??
it all depends on how hard thay stepped on your stoamch if to much pressure is on your stomach it can cause problems for the baby

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A: you may not know it, but thats a very debated question. Not with animals, but people. im pro-life, or as the idiots call it, anti-abortion. that means that im against killing living breathing babies by the very slow and painfull death of salt poisoning. so yes, i believe that life begins at conception
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