What does a doctor do if a woman has a miscarriage

Health related question in topics a Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “What does a doctor do if a woman has a miscarriage”,you can compare them.

A:If a doctor determines that a woman has had a miscarriage there may be no need for any treatment or she may need a D & C. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-a-doctor-do-if-a-woman-has-a-miscarriage ]
More Answers to “What does a doctor do if a woman has a miscarriage
What does a doctor do if a woman has a miscarriage
If a doctor determines that a woman has had a miscarriage there may be no need for any treatment or she may need a D & C.
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Q: What can be done if a women is having miscarriage. What do doctors do?Please help
A: I am in the process of a miscarriage . It started 2 days ago. My dr has done nothing but give me pain meds and order blood tests. There is no way to stop them once they start. It is the hardest thing i have gone through and wish anyone facing this the best. There is nothing that anyone can say to make it better.
What happens when a women has a miscarriage? Or the baby gets wrapped around the cord??? Plz Help!!!?
Q: My friend just went to the hospital today and i got a call from her husband saying that the doctor said something happen to the baby. He didn’t know if it was a miscarriage or the cord accident. Do they have to remove the baby if it died? What causes it to get wrapped around the cord? Plz help so i can tell him some info. I told him i would let him know asap. He’s scared for his wife and child. =(
A: Sometimes baby can get the cord wrapped around their neck sometimes leading to dead. Other times it can get wrapped around the neck and if they check it early enough, they can do things to help. If the baby has passed, she will have to delivery vaginally depending on how far along she is. If it’s still early, they will do a D&C to remove the baby. Hope everything’s good with your friend and her baby.
Women who have had miscarriages Should I be worried? Should I go to the doctor?
Q: I had a natural miscarriage at 4 weeks pregnant on July 15th. I bled for 8 days. My HCG level was 0 on July 25th it has been exactly 6 weeks since then and I haven’t gotten my period yet. I took a HPT test last week and it was negative so should I go to the doctor or how long should I wait for my period to come back? I have read many things about miscarriages for instance I read it can take 4 to 12 weeks to get back your period. If anyone has experienced a miscarriage and can you tell me what your experiences were. I do appreciate any comments and advice I can get. Thank you
A: i miscarried not too long ago and when the fetus passed it was bloody fr about a week or so, then i just spotted for another week, but if I remember correctly i didn get my normal period back for almost 2 months, my body had the pregnancy hormone still in it, your body may just think your still pregnant, you can either give your body time to adjust or if your very worried then you should see the doc, but if your stressing out about it, that also couold be prolonging a missed period…stress and hormones affect periods in different ways!
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