Can you have miscarriages by getting hit in the stomach

Health related question in topics Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you have miscarriages by getting hit in the stomach”,you can compare them.

A:Getting kicked or hit in the stomach may not cause miscarriage. Remember the baby is well protected, and only you will hurt. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you have miscarriages by getting hit in the stomach
Can you have miscarriages by getting hit in the stomach
Getting kicked or hit in the stomach may not cause miscarriage. Remember the baby is well protected, and only you will hurt.
Can a hit to the stomach cause a miscarriage??
Yes it might cause a misscarriage….If you have just gotten pregnant it might lead to an egg getting ripped of the wall of the uterus. When you are already in your 6th month, and you get hit that might damage the brain of the baby and it m…
Can you have a miscarriage by getting hit in your stomach before …?
sure -the trauma needs to be discussed with the OB and assault charges need to be filed.

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Q: I had my period the last week of December, I had sex while I was on it and right after I got off it, can I still get pregnant and could I have a miscarriage by getting hit in the stomach that early???I don’t even know if I was pregnant and had a miscareage Im just scared I did because im bleeding, and I just got off my period 12 days ago, its not havey bleeding its really lite… Im just wondering so i can call the doctorAnd the hit wasn’t on purpose I was playing floor hockey and i got hit multiple times in the stomach
A: sure -the trauma needs to be discussed with the OB and assault charges need to be filed.
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A: I think the baby is fine and you need to miscarry the boyfriend. I ignored my x husbands abuse and that relationship ended with him putting a gun to my head and me begging for my life. RUN NOW!!!! Pushing is always the beginning of something far worse.
I was laid off due to cut backs (although it wasn’t really cut backs). is that legal?
Q: Here is my situation. I worked for a heating and AC company for nearly 2 years. In that time I had 2 raises and one promotion. I was the service manager and I went above and beyond to clean up that department and generate new business. I wont go into detail about everything I did. I can tell you that there was a lot and I was good at what I did. For the first time I felt like I really fit with a company. I got along with everyone, never was written up for anything (not even a verbal warning). I was dependable and trustworthy. The only time I took an extended amount of time off was for 3 days late last year when I had a miscarriage. I was confident and happy with my job and the company I worked for.. Then I was hit by a ton of bricks. Late March this year I was called into an office by one of the owners and the office manager. They laid me off due to cut backs. The owner told me how sorry he was to have to let me go. He thanked me for all my hard work. I then packed up my stuff and left with a sick feeling in my stomach.Two weeks after the lay off I called one of the technicians who asked that I stay in touch. He told me that I was replaced the following Monday by a friend of one of the other owners there. This friend had lost her job so she got mine. Is this legal? Can they do that? I’m sure it is legal but I wanted to check anyway. Its upsetting that they could just let someone go like that.
A: Obviously, you cared more about being a great employee than they cared about you (live and learn, unfortunately).It’s legal. But they were dumb!! Why would you let someone go who knew how to do their job well and had a bunch of experience and then just hire your friend. RIDICULIOUS!!
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