What is the miscarriage rate for first pregnancies

Health related question in topics Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the miscarriage rate for first pregnancies”,you can compare them.

A:Miscarriage happens in 15% or pregnancy regardless of how many times you’ve been pregnant. ChaCha again! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-miscarriage-rate-for-first-pregnancies ]
More Answers to “What is the miscarriage rate for first pregnancies
What is the miscarriage rate for first pregnancies
Miscarriage happens in 15% or pregnancy regardless of how many times you’ve been pregnant. ChaCha again!
What are the miscarriage rates by week of pregnancy??
“Most wait until after the first trimester.” There is a 20% risk of a miscarriage in the first 12 weeks which drops to only 3% in the second trimester. Because a pregnancy is 40 weeks it helps the time to pass by not telling them …
Does alcohol before pregnancy affect miscarriage rate??
Yes it can and it cannot. Due to the chemicals that are present in alcohol, a shrinkage of blood occurs within the fetus. This can quite possibly cause a miscarriage or some affect on the birthing period.

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Does the miscarriage rate drop after a heartbeat is heard on a vaginal ultrasound?
Q: My Dr. scheduled a transvaginal ultrasound and I will be 6 weeks, 5 days. If he hears a strong heartbeat, what are the odds the pregnancy still may end in miscarriage? I have had no spotting or cramping, and am 29 years old. This is my first pregnancy.I don’t know when to tell family, because the moment we do EVERYONE will know (that is the way they are lol). Thanks for your help!
A: Yes it drop about 70% or more ( this is what my Dr. told me I have had 3 mc) If you have NEVER had a Miscarriage I would not worry about your baby.
baby;s heart rate dropping. please read. very important?
Q: am 22 weeks pregnant and 20 years old. this is my third pregnancy, first one-miscarriage in ’07 second-vaginal birth in ’08, third-22 weeks pregnant. i went to the doctors last friday and they told me that my heart rate was very high and that the baby;s heart rate has dropped. beings that this is my third pregnancy and my first was a miscarriage, this is a high risk pregnancy, this friday my doctor wants to monitor me on the ultra sound for 45 minutes because the baby’s heart rate has dropped, it was 158 and now its 148. He said that he has suspicion the cord may be wrapped around the baby;s neck, that he wont be able to tell it by ultra sound, he also has said that if the baby;s heart rate is lower then 148 on friday then he will have to give me pills for my body to prepare for labor and then at 30 weeks he will induce me. I also smoke cigarettes but the doctor said that this is not affecting the baby’s heart rate, i also smoked with my second pregnancy, my daughter came out weighing almost 8 pounds and the pregnancy went smooth. and now i am smokin 5-7 cigarettes a day, i do realize smoking is bad but i have cut back alot, please dont judge me because i smoke cigarettes, many others do worse. What do you think? should i get a second opinion? my question is does this sound normal that the doctor wouldn’t be able to tell if the cord was wrapped around the babys neck on an ultra sound?Serious and helpful answers ONLY PLEASE!
A: I’m 37 weeks and my sons is always high 140s and low 150s and I have never been told to worry its normal for them to be anywhere from 130 to 160 and on an ultrasound they can see the blood flow from the placenta and cord to the baby so they should be able to see if it goes around the baby’s neck very easy. I would ask a second opinion.
miscarriage rates due to vaginal exams?
Q: are there any studies out there about this? my pregnancy was going great and i was well into my 2nd month and i went in for my first ob visit for the pregnancy, and that same right after the exam i started spotting and cramping and jsut didnt feel right, and it continued for 2 days and i finally miscarried at the hospital. im still heart broken , we already have a 2 year but i think everyday what i would of had with this baby and what he or she would have been. i dont know if its just my broken heart thats making my think that the doctor screwed up or not, but i just really feel that he did any comment would be greatto answer your question yes i am young im 19 i had my son when i was 17 and i do wonder if had anything to do with iti know i wasnt crazy because from reading what other people have typed im i really think its the exam
A: I’m sorry about your baby. Honestly, the same thing happened to me and yes i do think it had to do with the exam, well not the exam itself but i think the nurse did something to cause it. Are you fairly young? I was 17 at the time and like yours my pregnancy was going very well until my first exam, I think that she ruptured my membranes to cause my miscarriage. My husband and I were devastated.
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