Do animals have miscarriages

Health related question in topics Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “Do animals have miscarriages”,you can compare them.

A:Yes they can. One study found that Lab animals to be more likely to have miscarriages. Thanks for using Chacha!! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do animals have miscarriages
Do animals have miscarriages?
Yes, probably more then humans. Rabbits for example can absorb their pre-born young if their warren is over populated or conditions are too harsh for them to survive.
Will animals miscarriage?
Of coarse…There could be something wrong with the baby or mother, stress, accident, anything that can cause a human to miscarriage can cause an animal…It could be something with the environment also.
Why are humans more likely to have miscarriages than animals?
Lots of reason. We have children at older ages. Risk factors like smoking and alcohol don’t come into play with animals, etc.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Do animals have miscarriages?
Q: I didn’t know if I should post this in the pregnancy section or the pet section. But I was wondering if animals have miscarriages and if they do is it common?
A: Yes, probably more then humans. Rabbits for example can absorb their pre-born young if their warren is over populated or conditions are too harsh for them to survive.
miscarriage animals?
Q: do animals have miscarriages? i know its a dumb question but thats what this is for…i can ask all the dumb questions i want.just wondering…never heard anyone talk bout that
A: The only dumb question is the one that goes un-asked!You’re not alone with this question either, reason being is that many people don’t realize that animals can indeed miscarry just like people, with the exception of birds, reptiles and fish(with some exceptions). The typical animals (that bear live young) most people who are pet owners experience are dogs, cats, small animals such as hamsters, gerbils, rabbits, guinea pigs, etc. When an animal like one of these miscarries, they typically will eat the fetus(es) to compensate for what they (the fetuses) have consumed in the duration of the pregnancy. Also, I know with rabbits, their bodies will sometimes naturally absorb the young if having the babies is not a good idea (in the case of lack of food, bad weather, etc.)
Do you agree with this statement by one of R&S’s most vocal Christians?
Q: “If the Jews had obeyed God and killed the people they were supposed to then Muhammad never would have been born and we would all be better off for it. God knows what he’s doing.”I’m of the opinion that if such a god existed, then it could have prevented anyone it wanted from being born through means such as miscarriage, wild animal attacks, disease, or (heaven forbid) just making that person believe something else. I tend to think that if there is a god, or any gods, then they’re powerful enough to prevent certain things from happening without resorting to asking/commanding their believers kill people, especially when it goes against it’s other commandments (Thou shalt not kill?).So what are your thoughts about this statement?I left the person’s name out intentionally, they know who they are, but I want them to see how others view the message they sent. If this person represents their religion, I can’t see how anyone would want to be a part of their religion.
A: Hmm…interesting points of view here. God is testing his chosen people by having them kill innocent children…removing unborn children from the womb…very, very interesting test, I’d say. If abortion is murder…then isn’t cutting a child from the womb of it’s mother murder? I’d say yes. I’m sure the mother would. The lack of basic humanity is what’s missing here. The idea that a deity should override you basic human instinct NOT to kill a child is an abomination against humanity. I don’ see a difference no matter WHO is telling you…or who you SAY is telling you.If God is all powerful, in the traditions of the Christian Church, then he could toss the devil out of earth and we’d all be safe. He could have easily gotten rid of Muhammad. He’s GOD after all. If he left it up to the Jews, then he would have KNOWN they would fail…he is all knowing. Hard to imagine God having to TEST anyone…he already knows what the outcome will be.I think the statement is extremely myopic, and shows a kind of militant attitude that we are seeing more and more in our Christian fanatics.
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