Why do spiders curl into a ball when they die

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They are held outward by blood pressure working like hydraulics, when the blood stops flowing the legs are no longer supported. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-spiders-curl-into-a-ball-when-they-die ]
More Answers to “Why do spiders curl into a ball when they die
Why do spiders curl into a ball when they die
They are held outward by blood pressure working like hydraulics, when the blood stops flowing the legs are no longer supported.
Why do spiders curl up into a ball when they die?
Their legs are straightened out by the hydraulic pressure of their blood. They have no muscles to extend their legs. When they die their heart stops and there is no more pressure and their legs curl up.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

why do spiders curl up into a ball when they die?
Q: It doesn’t matter how you kill them, in the end they curl up into a ball. Is it a nerve thing or what?
A: Their legs are straightened out by the hydraulic pressure of their blood. They have no muscles to extend their legs. When they die their heart stops and there is no more pressure and their legs curl up.
Why do spiders curl up when they die?
Q: Just before they die they turn into a ball, why?
A: Sparrow is correct – when spiders die the muscles in their legs naturally contract so the legs curl up.If they curl up BEFORE they die it is either because they are too weak to extend their legs, or because they are trying to play dead to try and prevent attack. For instance: If a spiders body is punctured it may not be able to exert the necessary pressure to extend the legs by pumping fluids into them.See the paragraph here about how spiders legs work;http://homepage.ntlworld.com/spydawebb/anatomy.html
Why do Dead spider’s curl up?
Q: Why do spiders curl up into a ball when they die? Is it on purpose or do the limbs just snap into position after it dies?(I gave a spider a heart attack last week. It died, fell off the ceiling, and curled into a ball; maybe not in that order. It was very disconcerting.)
A: That’s how spider’s legs naturally are.. they are held outward by blood pressure working like hydraulics, with the heart pumping blood into the legs to stiffen them.
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