Does a lot of exercise cause a miscarriage

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A:Yes, strenuous exercise during pregnancy may cause miscarriages. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does a lot of exercise cause a miscarriage
Does a lot of exercise cause a miscarriage
Yes, strenuous exercise during pregnancy may cause miscarriages.

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A: It would be very unlikely. However, extreme physical activity can sometimes caused reduced fertility to begin with. (Your body stops ovulating.)Claudine Crews CPM, LM
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A: I would talk to your doctor & seek their proffesional advise. However i watched the whole video & didn’t think it was that bad unless my doctor told me not to i would still do it. I trained alot when i was pregnant & the doctor told me not to stop & continue what i was doing cos i was fine & fit & healthy. But of course there are exceptions. You need to stay FIT & HEALTHY for your baby, just cos you get pregnant doesnt mean you stop all exercise & become a couch potato, thats not healthy for the baby or you. If you are training hard just scale it back abit BUT i cannot stress enough, speak to your DOCTOR first!
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A: I ran, danced and lifted weights through many pregnancies without any complications but the rule of thumb is that you shouldn’t start any new exercise programs without your doctor’s advice. So if you’re already walking keep it up. Also look into prenatal yoga – which is great for you and the baby on so many levels and swimming. But of course always check with with your health care provider first.
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