Does aspirin cause miscarriages

Health related question in topics Causes .We found some answers as below for this question “Does aspirin cause miscarriages”,you can compare them.

A:But does this treatment really work? And if aspirin prevents miscarriages, why do they … One possible cause of recurrent miscarriages is having a disorder like [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does aspirin cause miscarriages
Does aspirin cause miscarriages
But does this treatment really work? And if aspirin prevents miscarriages, why do they … One possible cause of recurrent miscarriages is having a disorder like
Can aspirin cause miscarriage?
In the condition for the one above she has taken meds for a long time so her blood is thinner. When having angina aspirin is not the only meds you take. Aspirin in itself can not make you abort. it is however harmful to the fetus and pregna…
Could taking aspirin cause a miscarriage?
Really depends on the dosage. Generally speaking low dose aspirin will not hurt anything. And really regular dose aspirin would likely not cause a problem if you don’t take more than the package tells you. But since aspirin thins the blood …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does aspirin cause miscarriage?
Q: I was just wondering if anyone knows whether aspirin causes or prevents miscarriage. I’ve seen several articles stating both. Opinions?
A: Well, you’re not supposed to take aspirin while you’re pregnant, so i would say it would cause miscarriages to happen.
i was reading do you think there is a connection/ adverting miscarriages?
Q: i read where raspberry leaf tea can help with recurrant miscarriage/ it contains selenium, and i was reading those with hashimotos trying to concieve should take 200 mcg daily of selenium- think theres a connection? also some have blood clotting issues that can clog up the placenta and cause miscarriage/trombosis, they prescribe 1 baby aspirin a day for this- did you know this?yes hashimotos!
A: Ah. Would that be Hashimoto Thyroiditis? I have that disease! Cool info!
What is it about aspirin that makes it unsafe to take while breastfeeding or while pregnant?
Q: Does it cause miscarriage? Will it harm your baby even after they are a few months old?
A: while pregnant: breastfeeding:,,3wst,00.html
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