Does a miscarriage count as a period

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A:Not usually. A miscarriage can be like a heavy period, but sometimes it takes a while after one for your cycle to return to normal [ Source: ]
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Does a miscarriage count as a period
Not usually. A miscarriage can be like a heavy period, but sometimes it takes a while after one for your cycle to return to normal

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Does a few days of spotting count as period if followed by heavier flow?
Q: Hi,I’ve just had a blood sample taken for FSH and LH testing on what seems to be day 2 of my cycle. My GP said I should have the test taken between day 2 and 5 of my cycle.The problem is that yesterday and today, I’ve only had really light stop-start spotting. This is pretty unusual for me, since my periods have ALWAYS got quite heavy within half a day of starting (except one other time, which I’ll describe further below). The nurse wasn’t sure whether it was my period or not but said I should have the test today anyway.The only other time that I had a period like this was two months ago, when I had three days of spotting at the end of a 28 cycle, followed by a normal period. (My cycles are irregular; they used to be 19-26 days; now 28-32 days). I’m 35 and have been trying for 7 months for first baby.So my questions are – was the other incident a period, or implantation + miscarriage? And this time, did I get tested on the right day or should I wait for heavier flow?Tx!Thanks HoneyB! V. interesting and reassuring to know. On the latest count, it seems that my “spotting” was implantation bleeding – I felt “funny” and bought the test and got the double line. Can’t believe my luck – so fingers crossed it lasts! So lovely of you to take the trouble to answer me when you’ve been trying for longer and going through so much more. Bless you and best wishes ttc for you! x
A: The spotting is normal before your period. I was told to consider day one of your cycle as the first day you have an actual flow. I think maybe the stress of ttc can have some women start spotting. I have never spotted before my period but I did last cycle. Strange but that could be what is happening. I would listen to your doctor and if they want you to go ahead and take the test then do it. best wishes ttc!!!!
Does 6 hours of light bleeding count as a period?
Q: Hi Ladies.As some of you may know, I’ve been waiting to have a period since I had a miscarriage 9.5 weeks ago. Yesterday I started having some bleeding (red) so I assumed AF had finally arrived. I had some light bleeding for about 6 hours. But since then it had pretty much stopped with just some light spotting today.Should I count this as my period and assume I am now in a new cycle? I know that I didn’t ovulate this cycle because I take my temperature every day. Could this be why I am having such a light period?Argh – so frustrated by this whole situation!I’m also having really strong period cramps. Why such strong cramps but no bleeding??
A: My first period after my first miscarriage was a bit random. Really strong cramps, but bleeding on and off sometimes brown or clotted still. It sounds like you might be getting back on track. Keep me updated! 🙂
Does one day of light bleeding count as a period?
Q: I’ve been waiting to have a period since I had a miscarriage 9.5 weeks ago. Yesterday I started having some bleeding (red) so I assumed AF had finally arrived. I had some light bleeding for about 6 hours. But since then it had pretty much stopped with just some light spotting today.Should I count this as my period and assume I am now in a new cycle? I know that I didn’t ovulate this cycle because I take my temperature every day. Could this be why I am having such a light period?I’m also having very strong period cramps. Why such strong cramps but no bleeding??
A: hey there, i also suffered a miscarriage and it took 3 months before i had a normal period, i was so worried because i also had a 1 day period 11 weeks after the miscarriage, i called the hospital and they advised me thats usually normal.. it can be the end of the miscarriage, some people are asked to have a DNC after one but i didnt.. and 4 months after it happened, i had a normal period, so dont worry leave it now for another 2 months. and you should be fine, if not visit your gp you may need to have some hormonal tablets to kick it all back into place goodluckcarri x
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