What are signs of a very early miscarriage

Health related question in topics Early Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “What are signs of a very early miscarriage”,you can compare them.

A:The signs with a very early miscarriage are often bleeding that looks like a heavy period, which may have clots in the blood. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-signs-of-a-very-early-miscarriage ]
More Answers to “What are signs of a very early miscarriage
What are signs of a very early miscarriage
The signs with a very early miscarriage are often bleeding that looks like a heavy period, which may have clots in the blood.
What are the signs of an early miscarriage?
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How to Recognize Signs of a Miscarriage in Early Pregnancy?
・ 1 Look for signs of vaginal bleeding or spotting (the color could be red, pink, or light or dark brown)… ・ 2 Feel mild to severe abdominal cramps and lower back pain in addition to vaginal bleeding. These symptoms… ・ 3 Experience heav…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the signs of a very early miscarriage?
A: well when my sister had a miscarriage all she had was bleeding…. it started off lightly then got really heavy and she said that she saw what looked like a giant blood clot on the pad she was wearing…we went to the er and they told us that she had had a miscarraige she didnt experiance any pain or cramping at all…hope that helps….danielle!
early miscarriage or early period please help very worried, what are the signs of early miscarriage?
Q: i am going to ask the doctor tomorrow but would really like some views on this, i ovulated around 16th 17th or 18th this month had sex around that time, for the past week had slight cramping in my lower abdomen but not painfull, on sunday i noticed my breasts were starting to hurt around the side and has some faint blue veins showing on them and my nipples then later on on sunday my lower abdomen started to feel as though i’d been working out and down my side were the same including just around lowest part of my right ribs, i started bleeding on monday 3 days before my period was due, its been medium to heavy and very very red like brand new blood, usually its a lot darker than this, i am having quite a lot of cramps around my lower abdomen and still down my sides it hurts alot when i move about, the lower part of my right rib is is still very painfull as well, i dont really get period pains and any i have had before have not felt like this, is there a chance i could have had a very early miscarriagei am going to see my doctor tomorrow but would really like to see what people think i am very worried
A: It is good that you are going to the doctor but it does sound like and early miscarriage I just had the same problem and am waiting for my levels to drop they will be able to tell you something after you get blood tests done also another sign it is a miscarriage your breasts will loose the tenderness as well. Hope everything works out for you.
what are the very earliest signs of miscarriage?
Q: i got several positive pregnanvy tests last week. im due for my period in 3 days. i wiped after urination and there was watery rusty colored blood. i have had cramps for a couple weeks along with sore nipples, indidestion and pointsof nausea that leave as quickly as they start. am i miscarrying? also i had sex this morning, but it was very gentle so no damage.
A: It’s hard to tell this early, seeing as though you haven’t had a missed period yet. I spotted through the first half of my pregnancy and everything is fine. But a lot of times people miscarry and didn’t know it because they started there period. The first signs of miscarry are bleeding. But you could just be spotting because of pregnancy. Stay positive and Good luck to you!!
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