Does alcohol consumption cause high blood pressure

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Too much alcohol consumption (more than 1 to 2 drinks per day) causes high blood pressure. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does alcohol consumption cause high blood pressure
Is there a link between high blood pressure and heavy alcohol con…?
consumption of alcohol precipitates blood pressure.yes…

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Do the following cause E-dysfunction?
Q: 1. Chain smoking menthol cigarettes2. Alcohol consumption (moderate.. 6 beers twice a week)3. Mental stress4. Slightly high blood pressureIf more than 1 of these factors contribute toward E-D, which one would have the most significant effect?thanks5. excessive diet soda consumption (2-3 cans per day)
A: Really they are all equal other than the mental stress unless your on meds for it the it goes higher. … Hopefully you arent on soda, diet soda, energy drinks, or coffee to top it off.
please help?
Q: 13. Which of the following statements about alcohol is true? A. Alcoholic beverages should be consumed to lower health risks such as heart attacks. B. Light beer contains fewer calories but more alcohol content than regular beer. C. Excessive alcohol consumption may pose serious health risks such as high blood pressure and may damage body organs and muscles. D. Moderate alcohol consumption is an effective warm-up technique in order to loosen and relax the muscles. 14. Which one of the following eating tips would be appropriate for a diabetic? A. Vary mealtimes from day to day. B. Avoid drinking water at mealtime. C. Eat high-fiber vegetables and fruits. D. Avoid high-fiber vegetables and fruits. 15. People who have trouble digesting milk should consider getting vitamin D and calcium from A. milk that has lactase added. B. well-cooked fruits and vegetables. C. soups with no milk added. D. fatty fish. 16. Which of the following is true? A. It would take three to five hours to hydrate the body after a water loss of 3 percent. B. A critical time to replace bodily fluids is while exercising. C. Mild food ingestion during exercise increases water absorption from the stomach during exercise. D. Thirst is the best indicator of water requirement during competition. 17. What effect does the aging process have on dietary guidelines? A. You’ll need additional calories to fuel the body. B. Prescription drugs often present side effects and therefore should always be taken with food. C. It causes nutrient deficiencies so you’ll need to rely more heavily on nutrient supplements. D. If you take diuretics, they can deplete potassium levels, so you may have to eat more foods containing this nutrient. 18. The eating disorder characterized by compulsive overeating followed by self-induced vomiting and the use of laxatives or diuretics is A. malnutrition. B. cirrhosis. C. anorexia nervosa. D. bulimia. 19. Saturated fats are found primarily in A. fruits and grains. B. animal products. C. vegetable oils. D. alcoholic beverages. 20. The greatest water loss per day occurs A. through the skin (perspiration). B. through the lungs (exhalation). C. in feces. D. in urine.
A: 13.b14.a15.c16.d17.c18.a19.b20.d
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