When you have an incomplete miscarriage, can you still be pregnant

Health related question in topics Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “When you have an incomplete miscarriage, can you still be pregnant”,you can compare them.

A:The term “incomplete miscarriage” means a miscarriage in which tissue remains in the uterus, but you are no longer pregnant. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-you-have-an-incomplete-miscarriage%2C-can-you-still-be-pregnant ]
More Answers to “When you have an incomplete miscarriage, can you still be pregnant
When you have an incomplete miscarriage, can you still be pregnan…?
The term “incomplete miscarriage ” means a miscarriage in which tissue remains in the uterus, but you are no longer pregnant.

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Please wish me good luck, this month my hubby and I are going TTC after my miscarriage ;)?
Q: On July 30th I had an incomplete miscarriage therefore i got the D&C procedure. On September 8th at the doctors office my hormones were back to normal, cause a week b4 that day, it was still showing that I was pregnant. I also got my period on that day(September 8).My doctor told me that I can try again after I get my period in October, which I did 🙂 At a 34 day cycle, and that I’m really glad, because b4 my pregnancy my cycles were up to 38 days! Therefore I ovulate on the last week of October. This was my 1st pregnancy so it was very heart breaking when my hubby and I lost the baby(I was around 8 weeks) as well as it was hurtful for his and mine parents since they were going to be grandparents for the 1st time.Please wish me good luck I think that I will get pregnant this month, since last time when we stop taking care of ourselves(with condom) I got pregnant on the 1st month! Plus I know some other couples have a hard time because of work schedule that they hardly see each other, but not me and my hubby I see him every night :)What can I do to not worry so much? I even bought the ipod touch so that I won’t always be thinking of getting another miscarriage. Well good luck to you ladies that are also TTC 🙂
A: Hey There!We are pretty darn similar! My fiance and I got pregnant (with our first) this past April. We were 8 weeks along with twins before I miscarried and needed a D&C. I had the D&C procedure late May and was told to wait 3 cycles before TTC again.Well those 3 cycles are over and I am currently on the 2WW!Let’s keep in touch! I am right along there with you being a little scared, excited, and ultimately ready to embark on this journey!Baby dust to you!
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