Does an ectopic pregnancy cause a miscarriage

Health related question in topics Ectopic Pregnancy .We found some answers as below for this question “Does an ectopic pregnancy cause a miscarriage”,you can compare them.

A:The ending of an ectopic pregnancy is a form of miscarriage and the feelings that a woman may have can be difficult. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does an ectopic pregnancy cause a miscarriage
Does an ectopic pregnancy cause a miscarriage
The ending of an ectopic pregnancy is a form of miscarriage and the feelings that a woman may have can be difficult.
Is an ectopic pregnancy a miscarriage?
All that matters, at the end of the day is your perception of it. ・ Jess Says: February 18, 2008 at 6:41 pm Sam is very wise. Reply ・ Sarah Says: February 18, 2008 at 7:03 pm The beating heart part probably triggered more attachement beha…
Could i have a miscarriage/ectopic pregnancy?
Don’t worry i had the same problem i had the injection and was bleeding all the time just like you. i went to the doctor and they said it was because the birth control i was on put out to much progesterone and they gave me another birth con…

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Q: im aware it causes ectopic pregnancieswhich result in m/cbut ive just read that it also causes miscarriages later on in a normal Pregnancy as well is this true??by normal pregnancy i mean,that you have the endo and manage to get pregnant and then lose it at like 5 monthscan endo do this?is level 2 endo dangerous/bad??robert=tyvm for being the only one to explain why/how it would happen
A: The relationship between spontaneous miscarriages and endometriosis has been a matter of controversy for quite a while. However, many investigators have shown that the rate of miscarriage is higher in patients with endometriosis and shows a marked decline after treatment. It is believed that the biochemistry of the hormones in these patients can explain this phenomenon; for example, decreased serum progesterone in some of the patients and an increased serum prolactin in others. Also, the basic autoimmune problem in these patients can also be a cause.I have endometriosis and have done a lot of research on it over the last 6 months. I found the above info for you at the following website: can also look at the following websites for more info: this helps! Good luck 🙂
Ectopic pregnancy that started in a miscarriage that the hospital ended with an Abortion!?
Q: At the weekend i lost my baby/pregnancy at 9 weeks.On the 10/8/09 my husband toke me to see my GP cause i was in alot of pain, couldnt stand up and my body kept shacking and i was being sick every 2 seconds but i was fine till i hit 6 weeks.My GP sent me to the hospital right away and they said i was having an ectopic pregnancy but the baby was near the entres of my right tube and they wanted to end the pregnancy otherwise it would kill me. Me and my husband agreed to go ahead with what they said cause i couldnt handle anymore and we have an 8 month old baby already and i was scared of him growing up without his mum if the worst happened.They didnt do anything and told me to come back on 22/8/09 and they would abort the pregnancy by pill.Anyway, the day before the appointment i was rushed into hospital cause i was bleeding so bad and the pain was unreal and they told me i was miscarrying, sent me down for a scan and they said the baby had come away from my tube but there was nothing they could do to save the pregnancy – so they ended up giving me the Abortion pill anyway and said it would help end the miscarriage faster and cause i was in danger with having o-neg blood.After it was all over, they told me to much damage has been done and i will never have another baby.I nearly died on friday and my husband was so scared it was unreal.Right now my head is messed up even tho i feel great with all the pain and sickness gone but i cant help but feel like i could of done something to stop it.My question is – If me and my husband ever did want to try again, and thats a big if, is their woman out there that was told the same that had a normal pregnancy and got another child?xxx
A: I had my ectopic pregnancy terminated at 7 weeks. You need to get your medical records from the hospital and see if damage was done to your ovaries, usually if there is damage it is only to the one ovary, so there is still a chance of conceiving. I would go to an ob/gyn with your medical records and see what they say. ER docs may not have had the whole story and they certainly have no extra training -obstetrics care- to make such a judgment. I would give yourself *at least 6 months* to heal up then go to a doc and see if baby making is still possible for you two. It may be harder to conceive but it most likely won’t be impossible. Heal Well. ~Divine
Usually when do miscarriages and ectopic pregnancy’s cause pain and bleeding?
Q: My hcg level was slow getting started and we are unsure of when I ovulated so we are not sure how far along I am. At what we think is 17 dpo my beta hcg was 153. Doctor said I could have a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy since my number was low starting out since 14 dpo it was 2. I was just wondering in early pregnancy when the cramping or bleeding starts?I guess I should have added that I have been getting + hpts since 13 dpo. Dr says that getting a + hpt means my beta should be atleast 40I have had an ultrasound and they said that you shouldn’t be able to see to much right now. We thought I was about 5 weeks but I ovulated late because I am not that far along.
A: I started having cramps within a few weeks they felt like period cramps and eventually went away then came the nausea and slow weight gain then I knew! but ectopic pregnancy are very serious you can request an ultra sound and they will be able to tell you for sure. Good luck hope everything goes well.
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