How do you know when you have had a miscarriage

Health related question in topics a Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you know when you have had a miscarriage”,you can compare them.

A:Signs of a miscarriage later in the first trimester include moderate pain/cramping as well as bleeding. ChaCha loves questions! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you know when you have had a miscarriage
A miscarriage deals with the loss of the pregnancy and it the most common way. Most miscarriages occur in the first 13 weeks of pregnancy. Common symptoms of a miscarraige include: vaginal bleeding, pain in the lower pack, stomach or pelvis…
Prior to 6 weeks of pregnancy – bleeding that looks like a heavy period. Between 6-12 weeks – moderate pain/cramping as well as bleeding. Over 12 weeks of pregnancy – likely have bleeding and pain that almost feels like the intensity of lab…
The most common symptom of a miscarriage is bleeding,if you bleed during pregnancy it may be referred to as a threatened abortion. It can also be detected during an ultrasound exam,if there is bleeding you should visit a clinic to have an u…

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irregular periods and pregnancy.?
Q: I sometimes go 2 or 3 months withut having a period. its been this way for years! about 5-6 years ago i had a miscarriage. had no idea i was pregnant. when u never know when u will have ur period how do you know when to try to concieve? im going to a doctor soon but want to get an idea now… does having a previous miscarriage generally affect future pregnancies?
A: No, a previous miscarriage if early on will not affect future pregnancies. The only way it could possibly have affected future pregnancies if if you had a D & C that caused trauma up there but even that is extremely rare. I have irregular periods as well and have gone as far as 4 months w/o a period and gotten pregnant so it can and does happen! Its just quite a bit harder to track and pinpoint ovulation. Good luck to you!
How do you know when you have had a miscarriage?
Q: I first thought i started my period, but then it got really heavy to where i had to change every 5 minutes. I have been bleeding for 10 tens and i have really bad cramping and blood clots. Does this mean that i had a miscarriage?
A: It may just be a heavy period.If you tested positive for pregnancy and now this is happening, then yes, probably. Go see your doctor.However, you may just be having a heavy period from stress, change of diet, illness, it can be any number of things. If it continues for too long, I still suggest seeing a doctor, it could be a sign of cyst’s on the ovaries, anemia or your fallopian tubes may be damaged.Leave no stone unturned, but chances are, you’re fine. Try a banana and a heating pad paired off with some ibuprofen.
How many weeks were you when you had a miscarriage?
Q: I know that the further along you get the chances are reduced but I had a miscarriage at 7 weeks 3 years ago and now I’ll be 7 weeks tomorrow and im getting nervous. How far along were you and do you know the reason?
A: 7wels
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