What can cause a miscarriage in the first trimester

Health related question in topics Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “What can cause a miscarriage in the first trimester”,you can compare them.

A:Some factors like smoking, alcohol and possibly heavy caffeine use can increase the risk of miscarriage ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-cause-a-miscarriage-in-the-first-trimester ]
More Answers to “What can cause a miscarriage in the first trimester
What can cause a miscarriage in the first trimester
Some factors like smoking, alcohol and possibly heavy caffeine use can increase the risk of miscarriage ChaCha on!
What can cause a miscarriage in the 3rd trimester?
You would not have a miscarriage in the third trimester, it would be a premature birth and can be caused by many things most of which are a mystery.
Can having sex in the first trimester cause a miscarriage??
I think so, I have just miscarried, I didn’t think it was possible and sex was safe, but my cramps began immediately after having sex and I miscarried that night. If you research oral sex while pregnant it outlines the dangers of air which …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can having sex in early pregnancy cause a miscarriage?
Q: I’m 6 weeks pregnant, and I’ve been avoiding having sex because i’m afraid that it will cause an early miscarriage…this is my first pregnancy, and i’m not really sure what I can and can’t do yet…I’ve heard that it’s just an old wives tale that sex in the first trimester can cause a miscarriage…but I’m not sure if it’s true or not!I would love to hear the actual facts!thanks 🙂
A: I have three pregnancy books and they all say “GO AT IT”. The penis is NOT long enough to even reach where the baby is at and the baby has enough protection from the rocking. Sex is what created the baby why would it hurt the baby is what my book has said. Im 5 and half months prego and ive had sex from day one. Its natural and PERFECTLY safe…all you gotta worry about is getting into the right comfortable position…have fun
stressing out after the first trimester?
Q: I know stress during the first trimester can cause a miscarriage but what about during the second.I am 11 weeks and the world is deciding to hit me at once. How dangerous is it for me to get too stressed at this point in the pregnancy?I am aware im not in my second but its coming soon and i have a feeling this stress isnt going anywhere. I was mainly curious if there was a percentage of difference between first and second.
A: Stressing out in your first trimester can result in a miscarriage, If it goes over board.Just try to relax and think about the joys of having your baby, not loosing it.Once you go into your second trimester, the result of miscarriage happening is very rare, but there is always a chance of verything.. Just enjoy being pregnant and stop freaking out!
Is Air travel during the First Trimester safe?
Q: Even if there is like a 1 % chance that its not safe and can cause miscarriage or something bad to the baby, then please tell me what you know, or what you can find on the internet. i really need to know, because my husband and i want to fly for 10 hours, and i will probably be in my first trimester by then, and i already had a miscarriage and i dont what to have one again. i really want a baby, so please help me.
A: I don’t want to freak you out, but I thought it was perfectly safe to fly as well. I was 16 weeks, so just on the edge of going from my 1st tri to my 2nd tri. We had to travel for a funeral.Four weeks later, when I should’ve been 20 weeks, and the day before we were going for the ultrasound to find out if it was a boy or a girl, I started bleeding. I miscarried and lost the baby that night.At the ER they said the baby was on 16 weeks old and had died at 16 weeks. Because I had a doctor’s appt on week 15 and we heard a heartbeat just fine, the ONLY thing I can think of was the flying.Now. That’s just my experience. I’m sure there are hundreds of pregnant ladies that fly all the time and everything turns out just fine. But for me, it cost me my baby.
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