How will he react to a miscarriage

Health related question in topics a Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “How will he react to a miscarriage”,you can compare them.

A:There really is no way to tell how someone will react to the news of a miscarriage. He will probably be sad and upset. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How will he react to a miscarriage
How will he react to a miscarriage
There really is no way to tell how someone will react to the news of a miscarriage. He will probably be sad and upset.
How would you react to the baby father always telling you he wish…?
I’d leave him and tell him I’d see him in court to set up child support payments once the baby was born. Then proceed to completely ignore him until then. There’s absolutely no reason to stay with someone who is not going to support you emo…

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Q: we dont really talk, we kinda had a clean break. we only talked for a few months, but had a lot of sex. he was really nice and cool, but he was too far and it was too hard to get to know eachother. anyways, i found out i was pregnant bc i missed a period and took a test. idk how to tell him bc we dont talk really. how do i tell him im pregnant and i think im having a miscarriage? what are miscarriage symptoms in early pregnancy? im going to the docs soon…but how do i tell him im pregnant and i think im having a miscarriage? HOW WILL HE REACT? WILL HE HATE ME, OR WILL HE FEEL BAD. WILL HE BE UPSET OR RELIEVED?
A: Not even a psychic can tell you how he will act. You need to go to the doctor if you are in distress and not ask questions on yahoo. You are going to the doctor soon? That’s what emergency rooms are for? emergencies. Once you get this issue situated then contact the guy and tell him what’s up.I hope things are fine and you get to enjoy motherhood.
How do I tell my ex I was pregnant with his baby.?
Q: I heard the heart beat and everything. I have since sadly lost the baby but I feel that I need to tell my ex it was his more for my sake then his. I don’t know how he will react. I was over 2 months pregnant before the miscarriage and I’m scared that he will ask why I was keeping the baby and I don’t have a answer for that. Help I just don’t know.
A: He doesn’t need to know. It may open a can of worms that you are not emotionally prepared to tackle. You just lost a baby. I am sure there are a lot of unresolved feelings about that. You need time to reflect and move on from the loss before you enter another emotionally charge issue.
Q: he doesnt know im almost positive im having problems with my pregnancy. i just found out but i recently bled in the toilet. it wasnt like a period but in a clump it was really different from anything ive ever had.he doesnt know im pregnant we dont talk..only when we have to like if his friends wont stop msging me on fb, i get mad and tell him, but other than that he doesnt talk to me. he knew there was a chance of pregnancy bc we had unprotected sex several times…oh and hes in the marines. should i even tell him if i am having will he react? will he hate me? should i just not say anything if i have a miscarriage…
A: If it is or was his baby than I don’t see the harm in telling him. Why should he hate you?
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