What are the odds of teens having a miscarriage

Health related question in topics Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the odds of teens having a miscarriage”,you can compare them.

A:The chances of a miscarriage for a teen is the same as for an adult. In fact, it’s more likely that older mothers will miscarry. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-odds-of-teens-having-a-miscarriage ]
More Answers to “What are the odds of teens having a miscarriage
What are the odds of teens having a miscarriage
The chances of a miscarriage for a teen is the same as for an adult. In fact, it’s more likely that older mothers will miscarry.

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Would it be illegal for a mother to do this to her pregnant teen daughter?
Q: First, I want to make it clear that this is not about me, but I am a parent and very concerned for this young girl. The girl is 15 and wanted to keep the baby. She did not want an abortion but the mother wanted her to have one and was going to try to force her to have one. The girl thought she might have suffered a miscarriage the night after her mother took her to Planned Parenthood. The mother had taken her there to confirm the pregnancy and said she set up an appointment for the following week for an abortion. It may have been a natural miscarriage, but it seems very odd, knowing the mother was so adamant about her having an abortion and the girl equally adamant against having one, that this likely miscarriage occurred when it did. We’re wondering whether the mother could have gotten the abortion pills and given them to her daughter without her knowledge. The girl was in school most of last week but not this week. We are suspicious that the mother was abusive to the girl even before this, but have no proof. No one’s sure what to do. The mother is NOT a nice person and will not listen to anyone.MSAD is an insurance adjuster, not a lawyer. Several adults at the school are worried about her welfare and although there is strong suspicion of abuse, no one has proof. The girl is obviously disturbed and there doesn’t seem to be any parental love or support. She had expressed a desire to have a baby before getting pregnant. This girl needs help and isn’t getting it.
A: You have to attack this problem from the root. You cannot just try to fix this one event. pragmaticaly, if she did administer the R486 type medication, the deed is done. State courts are all over the place on the issue of whether a parent can force or prevent an abortion of a minor. Save that debate. This child is evidently being emotionally abused and maybe more. A friend will report this evidence or even suspicions to child protective services. What you want to happen is the child will be appointed a Guardian Ad Litem to advocate for the best interest of the child. As far as I have read, medical personnel cannot without health information or any information obtained during a medical relationship from the parent. Attorneys are much different. This child will be have the attorney client privilege the same as an adult. This child need to have that ability ot confide and someone to advocate for her that can actually act. Report your suspicions and afterwords tell the girl to ask for a guardian ad litem.
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