Is a miscarriage like your period

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A:Symptoms of a miscarriage include, vaginal bleeding that may be light or heavy, abdominal pain, cramps, or blood clots. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is a miscarriage like your period
Is a miscarriage like your period
Symptoms of a miscarriage include, vaginal bleeding that may be light or heavy, abdominal pain, cramps, or blood clots. ChaCha!
Was your first period after miscarriage like this??
When I had my miscarriage it took me about 6 weeks to get my first period, which was fairly light. (however, I had a D&C) My second period was very heavy. My mom who did not have a D&C said her period after a miscarriage was extreme…
How long after a dnc from a miscarriage do you have period like c…?
Sadly it can be quite some time, mine went on until my next period, which was very painful & heavy. The cramp pains can be helped by hot water bottles & pain relief. best wishes, so sorry

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what was your first period after having a miscarriage like?? and how painful was it?
Q: i had a miscarriage at 6 weeks and am waiting for my period 2 come and i have some questions!) how far gone was you when you miscarried2 )how long after u miscarried did you get you period3) what was your period like (heavy or lighter than usual)4)how painful was your first period after your miscarriage?
A: ,just let your mind and body lead themselves……
Is it possible to have a miscarriage while on your period?
Q: Sorry I’m not trying to gross anyone out, but I need some SERIOUS advice! I was recently on my period and it usually last for five days, with the first three days being the worst and then usually experiencing no cramps and light spotting on the last two days, but for some reason this last time on the last day I began feeling lower abdominal pain and began bleeding a heavier flow, just like I was starting my period again. I did past what seem to be blood clots, but that is not all that unusal during my period. It’s just unusual for it to occur when my period was suppose to end. The pain stopped within 6-7 hours, but I had a extra two day of bleeding. I also had flu-like body aches, mostly in my legs, during the extra two days. I’m just really lost and I don’t want to waste a trip to the doc, if this really isn’t anything, but this just happened a couple days ago, so if this sound a little more serious than what I take it to be, please let me know if you think I should get checked out!
A: One in four pregnancies ends in miscarriage and most often people do not know it because it coincided with their period. It is very possible that you had a miscarriage.
How long after miscarriage do you get your period?
Q: I was 5 weeks pregnant and loss the baby, it started Nov 3th and I’m still bleeding, my doctor said just a couple of more weeks, but I didn’t think it should last this long? Like a week ago it lighted up a lot to just spotting and then to nothing, and this week it has come back and I just want to know when I should be getting my period. How long did it take for you? My doctor said I can start trying again as soon as I stop bleeding.
A: Everyones body is different. When I miscarried, I got my next period within six weeks. The spotting you’re seeing is normal. Your body is trying to cleanse itself. Keep your head up and know that everything happens for a reason. I know you’ll be successful your next go round!
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