Is bloating a sign of a miscarriage

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A:No bloating is not a sign of miscarriage. The symptoms of miscarriage are vaginal bleeding which can be light or heavy, abdominal pain or cramps, pain in your lower back, and blood clots. ChaCha [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is bloating a sign of a miscarriage
Is bloating a sign of a miscarriage
No bloating is not a sign of miscarriage . The symptoms of miscarriage are vaginal bleeding which can be light or heavy, abdominal pain or cramps, pain in your lower back, and blood clots. ChaCha

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symptyoms of a miscarriage? please help?
Q: are these symptoms of a miscarriage?1.bloating2.blood clotting3.blood when im not on my abdomal pain5.headaches6.crampscan these be pregnancy and miscarriage signs?please tell me what you think!i dont have a confirmed pregnancy.
A: do you have a confirmed pregnancy??If is the time for you period I would say that you are just having a bad period. The number one sign of a miscarriage is bright red blood. Without having a confirmed pregnancy there is not too much to do. I am sorry if it is a miscarriage. I believe that it is just bad period. go take a motrin and relax.
could this be a sign of a miscarriage?
Q: well i didnt start my period until yesterdaymy period was a week and 5 days thats not normal for me at all.and today when i was changing my blood is like an egg yolk blood.thats not normal for me and their is also a lil bit of brown stuff on it very scaredand yesterday i had cramps not bad cramps at all just mild crampsbut today nothing.usually on my periods i have cramps everyday and on the first day of every period im bloatedwell yesterday i really worried 🙁
A: I have had bleeding like that with some of my normal periods. If you’re having a miscarriage, you’ll probably have some large clots that are more gray than red. You could take an hpt. The pregnancy hormone would still be high enough for you to get a positive read if you were pregnant. If it’s negative then this is most likely just a late period. But if it’s positive, you need to see the dr.In my opinion, it sounds like a normal period. Hope everything turns out ok for you. 🙂
Q: ok so i was losing alot of weight from august to oct last year but then from nove-jan i started gaining in my stomach & it wasnt like fat that just flabed there it was like when your bloated badly & your stomach gets real hard. then all of a sudden in late jan. i got really bad nausea & body pains esp in my abdominal area like super bad cramps i had this for about 5 days the pains were so bad i could hardly move and when i did move too much i would throw up. about 2-3 days into this & for a week to follow i had bleeding…one day it would be heavey and the next day or too real light & it would just fluxuate between heavey & light….it was redish brown and sometime whitish stuff too….i look back seeing i had alot of the signs of an early miscarriage. i was not aware i was pregnant if i was. and i wasnt showing alot so if i was it was probally no more than 2-3 months….could i have had a miscarriage with these symptoms & signs or does it just sound like a bad flu or something??? help(my period wasnt for 2 1/2 more weeks and they are almost always on time maybe a day early or late but nothing this bad and they only last about 5 days) my previous period before this was really light and short & i kno alot of people who had there period the first month they were pregnant but it was light and short like thisi went to the hostpital after about four days of this and they took plenty of blood tests and i even went back about 4 days later for more blood tests and they found nothing wrong with me….would they have saw something in the blood tests if i had a miscarriage.and after all this happened i lost the weight i had gained again….and i dont workout like ever and can still lose it
A: um sounds like you did have a miscarriage. i had all those symptoms when i was pregnant & i also to had a miscarriage. i was about 7 weeks when i had mine. but it tooks 6 weeks after that for me to stop bleeding. & i went to the doctors after i was pregnant & they checked me out & told me i was no longer pregnant but just incase they had me take a blood pregnancy test & it showed that i had a miscarriage. sorry for you lost if you really were pregnant.
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