What are signs of a miscarriage

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A:Symptoms of a miscarriage include vaginal bleeding, cramp like pain and passing of blood clots or grayish tissue. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-signs-of-a-miscarriage ]
More Answers to “What are signs of a miscarriage
Sudden bleeding is the sign of a miscarriage. If you are experiencing bleeding and you are pregnant, get to a hospital quickly. It is dangerous and life threatening to go through a miscarriage unmonitored.
Signs of a Miscarriage Bleeding (usually heavy) maybe some cramping Also… This bleeding may or may not be accompanied by crampy pains – a bit like period pains, or the bleeding can continue on for several days before the more serious pain…
・ One of the signs of a possible impending miscarriage is unexplained vaginal bleeding. This can be a tricky… ・ Another warning sign of miscarriage is abdominal pain, which may or may not be accompanied by the aforementioned… ・ Generall…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what are the very earliest signs of miscarriage?
Q: i got several positive pregnanvy tests last week. im due for my period in 3 days. i wiped after urination and there was watery rusty colored blood. i have had cramps for a couple weeks along with sore nipples, indidestion and pointsof nausea that leave as quickly as they start. am i miscarrying? also i had sex this morning, but it was very gentle so no damage.
A: It’s hard to tell this early, seeing as though you haven’t had a missed period yet. I spotted through the first half of my pregnancy and everything is fine. But a lot of times people miscarry and didn’t know it because they started there period. The first signs of miscarry are bleeding. But you could just be spotting because of pregnancy. Stay positive and Good luck to you!!
What are the signs of Miscarriage?
Q: What does it mean when you pass greyish tissue during a miscarriage? Is that the end of beginning of miscarriage?
A: That’s just part of the process. When you have a miscarriage you can bleed for a couple days up to a couple of weeks. I’m not sure what the passing of the tissue means because you can pass tissue more than once during a miscarriage.
What are signs of miscarriage beside bleeding?
Q: can a woman miscarry with no sign of bleeding?
A: – Sever sharp uterine cramps (stronger than menses cramps)- Heavy Red bleeding along with pink stretchy tissue (NOT cervical mucus)- Cervix pain (pulsing and aching pain with a few sharp pains)- Sever headaches (migraine types) *Also due to other issues- Nausea *Also due to pregnancy or bad food- Pregnancy symptoms (i.e. Brest tenderness, nausea) will start to fade.http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art12112.aspThere are several different types of miscarriages. They include:Threatened miscarriage. One of every five pregnant women experiences this when she bleeds vaginally during the first three months. Although it may indicate that a spontaneous abortion will eventually occur, it is often no more than a threat, and the pregnancy continues normally. Inevitable miscarriage. When a pregnant woman begins to bleed and the cervix dilates, it is then only a matter of time before the contents of the uterus are expelled. Missed miscarriage. In this situation, the fetus dies in the uterus but is not naturally expelled and the woman has no bleeding or pain to signify that the pregnancy is not progressing. The physician usually diagnoses the condition when the uterus stops enlarging. Incomplete miscarriage. This occurs when only part of the uterine contents are naturally expelled. Complete miscarriage. This occurs when all the uterine contents have been naturally expelled. http://health.howstuffworks.com/10007-miscarriages-symptoms-causes-treatment.htm
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