Is lifting weights bad for your body

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “Is lifting weights bad for your body”,you can compare them.

Weightlifting can cause a temporary increase in blood pressure. This increase can be dramatic – depending on how much weight you lift. Be careful! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is lifting weights bad for your body
Is lifting weights bad for your body
Weightlifting can cause a temporary increase in blood pressure. This increase can be dramatic – depending on how much weight you lift. Be careful!
Is Lifting Weights Everyday Bad For Your Body?
If you are lifting to failure (until you just can’t possibly get another rep) and to build muscle, it’s not a good idea to lift everyday. You don’t build muscle when you work out. What happens is tiny fibers in your muscle are damaged when …
How to do weight lifting and body building routines?
C 1:44 In these exercise videos, learn weight lifting workouts and bodybuilding routines that will help you increase muscle mass and strength, whether for physical fitness, sports or weight lifting competitions. Our expert physical trainer …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is Lifting Weights Everyday Bad For Your Body?
Q: 17 Years Old.Only work biceps,triceps, chest, and abs on different days. Cardio everyday.Working more for tone not bulk.
A: If you are lifting to failure (until you just can’t possibly get another rep) and to build muscle, it’s not a good idea to lift everyday.You don’t build muscle when you work out. What happens is tiny fibers in your muscle are damaged when you lift to build strength/size. Your body adapts by building the muscle back up bigger than it was. But it needs some things to build your muscles back up… enough protein and rest. Because if you work out the same body part everyday, you’ll simply never build the muscle back up. When it comes to lifting frequency, often more is less and less is more. If you truly work hard enough to trigger your body to build muscle, even one or two days might be enough. Anything more than three for a certain body part a week is a waste at best and harmful at worst.EDIT: Based on your details, I would say it is OK to lift if you alternate body parts, no more than 3 times a week per body part. And you are still young so your muscles recover better than some of us.But i would also say this: building muscle can be a very taxing process on the human body. Even professional athletes and bodybuilders have “off-season.” Lift for strength for a couple of months then work on something else. Take a month off and try building up your endurance (high reps/less weight). That’s what the Navy SEALS do- they lift weights for strength for a couple of months and then translate that strength into endurance and power by lifting at very high reps. Keep up the cardio even during the off times.
Is it bad for your body or dangerous to lift weights on 1 hour of sleep?
Q: I only got 1 hour of sleep last night but want to go weightlifting. Is this bad for my heart or body at all?
A: i wouldn’t say it was bad for you, but it may have been a waist of time, without rest the body can not convert protein to muscle.
Doctors (M.D. or D.O.) or nurses: Is lifting heavy weights bad for your joints/ligaments/tendons in long run?
Q: I am thinking of lifting heavy weights to gain muscle mass. However, alot of the people I know that are “big” due to lifting heavy but doing very few reps have some sort of joint problems: ie: shoulder, neck, back etc.Athletes, boxers etc dont even use weights, they mostly do body w
A: Firstly athletes and especially boxers do use weights all the time. I have seen video footages of footballers and soccer stars working out with weights. Manchester United gym is equipped with all sorts of weights. Why? Weights is the easiest way to improve your physical strength, hence the dramatic improvement in their physique of our athletes over the last 100 years. It is not all down to steroids and human growth hormone, despite what the media wants you to believe these days, weight training and proper diet plays a big part as well. That said, athletes also incorporate a large amount of body conditioning as part of their workout in order to maintain a degree of suppleness and eliminate the risk of becoming too muscle bound. But to answer your question, weights can affect your joints but only if you do too much!! But you wouldn’t stop eating on the chance of becoming obese; it is the same with working out in the gym with heavy weights – moderation is the key here. If your body responds with pain, that is the signal for you to stop or to ease back on the weights.
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