Why do pregnant women have miscarriages

Health related question in topics Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do pregnant women have miscarriages”,you can compare them.

A:The cause of a miscarriage cannot always be determined. The most common known causes of miscarriage in the first third of…more? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-pregnant-women-have-miscarriages ]
More Answers to “Why do pregnant women have miscarriages
Why do pregnant women have miscarriages
The cause of a miscarriage cannot always be determined. The most common known causes of miscarriage in the first third of…more?
What kind of medicine can cause pregnant women miscarriage??
Please talk to a doctor or somebody else who is trained to deal with this. Do NOT try and do it by yourself. It’s too risky. :-/
Do you think the H1N1 vaccine is causing miscarriages in pregnant…?
I sure as hell hope not. I got mine this past Monday and I am 11 weeks 1 day today with twins. I have had no problems since I got it. It is a dead virus so I highly doubt it could cause any complications. It is the same as getting the seaso…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why do pregnant women who are 35+ have a higher risk of miscarriage?
Q: As I understand, a miscarriage is when a woman falls or otherwise hurts herself and kills her baby. So are pregnant women 35+ somehow more clumsier than younger women?Serious answers only please.
A: That’s not the only reason for a miscarriage, a miscarriage can happen when there is something wrong with the foetus early on in pregnancy or with the womb or with the placenta – there are plenty of reasons.However, the reason older women are at a greater risk is because her eggs are older and her partners sperm is older (assuming he is in his 30s too), also, women of this age generally have had far more x-rays than younger woman and Research has proven a link between having had x-rays and miscarriages. 35 is not that old but the risks are generally higher the older you get.
Why do women have miscarriages?
Q: I am 4 weeks pregnant and, like other pregnant women out there, scared of a miscarriage. I read there is not much you can do (other than avoid alcohol, caffeine, drugs etc…) but are there other factors? Are miscarriages hereditary? More prone in certain families? If my mother had very healthy pregnancies does that mean my chances of a miscarriage decreases? Are there other factors that give you a higher/lower percentage? Thanks 🙂
A: Unfortunately miscarriages are ‘just one of those things’. They are very common, in fact 1 in 3 pregnancies results in a miscarriage but it usually happens so early that the woman doesn’t even know she is pregnant. The most common cause of miscarriage is birth defects, usually downs syndrome.A year after I had my first child I became pregnant again and miscarried at 5.5 weeks. I am extremely careful whilst pregnant and do not eat or drink anything I shouldn’t. Straight after that I became pregnant again and then at 7.5 weeks I had a scan and found the baby had no heartbeat. I had to have a D&C to remove it. Obviously at the time I was devastated but a miscarriage really is nature’s way of getting rid of a ‘bad egg’. It’s an awful saying I know but it really is true.I became pregnant straight after my second miscarriage and although rocky at first I now have another beautiful little angel who turned one in Oct. If I hadn’t had the other two miscarriages I wouldn’t have my second child now.It happens for a reason and when you’re going through it no-one can actually tell you that. You don’t want to listen because you’re too upset about what has just happened to you. It is true though.Now saying all that, you will be fine. You know you can get pregnant and you know you can carry a baby full term. You will be fine so just sit back and relax and watch and feel your beautiful baby growing inside you. good luckxoxoxo
Why pregnant women leave their husbands when they don’t get their way?
Q: Ok here is what happened its obvious divorce is my only option we had a miscarriage last year and where married shortly afterward s we hadn’t been dating long but we both loved each other and i thought it was the right thing to do so she wanted a child very much and i have one son and didn’t have a problem with having another child so we got on fertility pills to help because she kept having problems she got pregnant and started asserting dominance big time no big deal i went down this road with my first wife we had an argument one morning and i told her i wouldn’t talk without marriage counselor so she leaves and hasn’t been back since went to counseling once and she didn’t like what he had to say so we never went back she left me and my son by our selves through thanksgiving and Christmas and acts like i have no right to be mad every time i try to be nice im told everything i have done wrong so i just quit all communication i have no idea what to do i have been pushed so far away that i just don’t care anymore this is probably to much info but its what happened and im just wondering if this has happened to anyone else or if its a freak incident
A: you cant quit communication women are hormonal during pregnancy so they go through a lot and they get mad and upset about the slightest things and i realize its frustrating for the men but you have to work through it with her
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