Is there a way to make a miscarriage happen

Health related question in topics a Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “Is there a way to make a miscarriage happen”,you can compare them.

A:Sometimes, extreme injury to the mother will cause a miscarriage, but they usually just happen on their own. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is there a way to make a miscarriage happen
Is there a way to make a miscarriage happen
Sometimes, extreme injury to the mother will cause a miscarriage, but they usually just happen on their own. ChaCha on!

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Are there ways to make ovulation happen sooner?
Q: I usually ovulate on CD20-23 and have a 36-38 day cycle. I’ve heard that ovulating this late can make it harder to get pregnant and icreases your risk of miscarriage.So I was wondering if there was anyway to make ovulation occur sooner?I’m also a little bit under weight. I’m 100lbs and 5’2″. Do you think gaining weight will shorten my cycles?
A: Actually, taking vitamin B-6 helps your ovulation occur earlier… Take 200mg. I actually have this problem too, so I started taking it last cycle. My ovulation is due next week, so I’m hoping the B-6 makes it occur a few days earlier (this weekend). You can get it at any pharmacy or drugstore for about $3-7. Although I haven’t personally had a success with it (because I just started using it), I have noticed more CM.Hope this helps!!! Good luck & baby dust! xx
Q: I think I may be pregnant and I was wondering if there are ways that you can make urself have a miscarriage. Dnt really care wat I have to do to make it happen. I will do anything. Im only 16.
A: You can go to the doctor and get some pills which will induce miscarriage. It’s called a medical/chemical abortion. You could also have a surgical abortion. There are some other methods of at home abortion, which are herbal, but it’s unsafe and really stupid when you’re living in a country where safe (relatively compared to back alley abortions or giving birth) and legal abortions are available to you. At 16 years old, you should be able to have an abortion without your parents knowledge or consent. It’s none of their business and most clinics will respect your privacy. Good luck!!EDIT: Plan B or oral contraceptives will not cause abortion. You do not need to talk to your sexual partner prior to an abortion, it’s none of his business if you don’t want to endure the trauma of full term pregnancy.
I had a miscarriage a yr ago, and I’m really wanting a baby, but i can’t seem to get pregnant.?
Q: everyone told me after my D.N.C I’d end up pregnant again shortly, it’s been over a yr. Is there a way to make it happen sooner?
A: maybe some scarring was left or something, u may need to be cleaned out. i had at d& c took over 3 yrs to even fall pregnant again. when i did i had at miscarriage. 3 mts after that miscarriage im finally 34 weeks alone with my first. you should ask your dr. goodluck
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