Was it my fault I had a miscarriage

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A:Probably not. Though miscarriage can be caused by maternal stress and drug and alcohol use, it may just be a bad pregnancy. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/was-it-my-fault-i-had-a-miscarriage ]
More Answers to “Was it my fault I had a miscarriage
Was it my fault I had a miscarriage
Probably not. Though miscarriage can be caused by maternal stress and drug and alcohol use, it may just be a bad pregnancy.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Was my miscarriage my fault?
Q: can’t help but think of what I did that might cause it or being careless with my health thus leaving a possible silent disease untreated thus causing it,Ive always had vaginal issues that gets treated but returns. despite all ive read that its caused by chromosome problems i cant help but wonder. i started spotting at 5 weeeks and by week 11 i miscarried saw heartbeat at 6 weeks……………
A: Not likely. Lots of women have issues but still hav ehealthy babies, and many women without issues have miscarriages. DNA may be an amazing piece of life; all the information on how to build a human being is buried in a few microscopic giant molecules that duplicate regularly. However, that duplication process is not perfect. Sometimes the dupilcation process produces a few bad chromosomes, and the error is sufficient that the fetus won’t develop normally and cannot survive. It’s not anything you can blame yourself for. It’s an event which happens rarely because of lifestyle or behaviour or choices, more often by just occasional random chance.Everyone gets depressed and upset at a miscariage. Just remember, it’s not your fault. You have to go on with your life.Good luck!
my girlfriend had a miscarriage?
Q: (im on her account because I don’t have one)my girlfriend had a miscarriage and she’s been really depressed about it. today she was so upset and started accusing me of cheating on her because ‘I’ve been acting strange lately’. I haven’t been treating her any differently. she says that I’ve been not really wanting to talk to her lately, and now when she goes to sleep, I hang up as soon as she falls asleep (we stay on the phone at night so she feels safe), which I have been doing but because I can’t fall asleep without my radio or tv on and she can’t stand the noise of either of it so I hang up so I can turn it on and go to bed. I don’t know what to do for her. I got mad that she was accusing me so I told her it was her fault for the miscarriage, because she puts stress on herself by starting a fight. I didn’t mean it, and I feel terrible about it. how do I make it up to her? the next time ill see her is on wednesday but im afraid our relationship is going to be strained by then if I don’t do something to make her feel better, im afraid she’s gonna cut (she used to do that, but stopped when we started dating) or drink or begin using drugs again. she used to be such a bad person but she changed and im afraid because she’s in such a depression from the miscarriage, that she’s gonna go back to her old ways.please help, I need to help her and I don’t know how.
A: I lost my baby in September, when I was 6 months along. I know exactly where she’s coming from. Even 4 months later, I still get upset, and miss my baby every single day. I went through some really dark patches of contemplating suicide, completely irrational thoughts, thinking my boyfriend hated me etc. I also used to cut when I was younger, and unfortunately did resort to it again after the loss of our baby.The only thing that you can do, is reassure her that you love her. If it’s possible, spend some really good quality time together. Maybe cook her dinner, or bring her a movie and some cheap takeout. Cuddle up on the couch together. I know it really helped me and my boyfriend to learn to laugh again. Do something goofy together and try and pull her out of the slump. The most important thing, is don’t force her to forget about it. Maybe she needs to talk. She might need to scream or cry and be there for her if she does.
My husband claims the miscarriage was MY fault?
Q: I got pregnant in April while my husband and I were still fiance and fiance. On our honeymoon I started getting really bad cramps, but I would be fine.Then we went to Disney World with our daughter(she’s 15 months)and I started bleeding. I wanted to see a doctor, but couldn’t.When we got back, we went to the doctor and he told me I had miscarried while we were away. I cried, but my husband stayed strong.In the car he yelled at me. He said the miscarriage was my fault! Then he said that I was a huge disapointment. We got home and we haven’t spoken since, which was three days ago.He still thinks it’s my fault because his mom has been e-mailing me saying that she too thinks it’s my fault, when I’ve done everything right while I was pregnant. His whole family is agansit me now, and no matter what I say my husband and his whole family hates me.PLEASE HELP!We actually had Disney World planned months ago, before I got pregnant. I didn’t go on any rides I shouldn’t though.I did tell him. I tried to hide the bleeding, but one day I was wearing white pants and bled through them, so he knew! But the cramps I told him.No, we did not marry because of the baby. Maybe we are just too young. We’re both only 20.
A: I just want to say that going to Disneyland and all that walking had nothing to do with your miscarriage. Riding the rides had nothing to do with your miscarriage. Tell your husband you had a miscarriage because he had weak sperm. It’s HIS fault and you are greatly disappointed in his spineless weakass mama boy behavior. (not that it’s true, but throw it at him anyway. It’s not true that it’s your fault either.) I really would take a walk from this relationship. It’s only going to go downhill. How could you be with someone who would treat the person he is suppose to love like that?
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