What are signs of a miscarriage in a female woman

Health related question in topics Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “What are signs of a miscarriage in a female woman”,you can compare them.

A:Signs of a miscarriage include bleeding that looks like a heavy period, moderate pain/cramping. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-signs-of-a-miscarriage-in-a-female-woman ]
More Answers to “What are signs of a miscarriage in a female woman
What are signs of a miscarriage in a female woman
Signs of a miscarriage include bleeding that looks like a heavy period, moderate pain/cramping.

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Is there anyway to report animal abuse in Boaz, AL?
Q: Not too long ago, we were looking to find my dog a playmate that was the same breed as he was. Then we found someone that had a free purebred one with papers. We got her fixed despite the papers and because she was already 4 getting ready to turn 5. Anyways, when we got her, she was definitely neglected and shown signs of abuse. She had urine/feces in her hair, her teeth were atrocious, she was underweight, and on top of all that, she had the signs of a puppy mill dog. She was extremely nervous and frightened around people. If you even acted like you were going to pop her for doing something she wasn’t supposed to, she’d run. We thought it was just because of the people we got her from, claiming that she’s been outside for 4-6months. But here’s the kicker, the people messaged us again. They told us they just ‘rescued’ 2 more (a male and female), and they were trying to find them new homes. They were in the same condition as the first except one had heartworms this time (we got her treated for them). The female supposedly had a miscarriage. They are alot more nervous and frightened around people though. The woman said that she wasn’t going to give us the papers considering that we got the first one fixed. That to me sounded weird. Anyways, her husband/partner messed up and brought the papers. They had AKC and CKC and the ckc papers were in their name and they’ve had these dogs for 7-8 months. So yeah, everything that was wrong with the first one and these 2 were because of them neglecting them. And later, we were browsing through the internet and found an ad from the people. Puppies the age that the dog that ‘miscarried’ should be. So we used my aunt email account and messaged her about them asking to see pics of the mom and dad. She told us the colors and the mom’s colors were the same as the females. However, supposedly all 8 pups died out of the litter so there was no reason for her to send us the pics anymore. Complete lies. I’ve tried to contact some animal precinct type places but they keep telling us that there is no animal protection in Boaz. And all we can do is call the police down there, but they probably won’t do anything about it. What CAN you do in a situation like this? And I can’t do this by myself. Considering that the last time we talked to them, the woman finally admitted she owned a kennel. I can’t rescue a kennel and get them checked for everything and get them fixed. And I won’t be able to get them new homes unless I know for a fact that they are fixed. Should I try to find a rescue shelter near me and work with them to rescue them when they put up bulletins and things trying to give them away?
A: If you are in a rural town you may need to just contact the local authorities and have them proceed with a rescue, or contact the ASPCA, Humane Society or the AKC directly and ask them to investigate the kennel.Improper breeding and care techniques I agree are horrible, and the law is there so either the owner gets a hefty fine, the animals can be rescued, or they go to jail depending on how severe the violation.Good Luck!
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