What are some reasons for having a miscarriage

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A:Unfortunately, many women experience miscarriages for which there are no explanations. It is often difficult to determine the cause of a miscarriage, especially if it occurs during the first trimester. Thanks for asking ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-reasons-for-having-a-miscarriage ]
More Answers to “What are some reasons for having a miscarriage
What are some reasons for having a miscarriage
Unfortunately, many women experience miscarriages for which there are no explanations. It is often difficult to determine the cause of a miscarriage, especially if it occurs during the first trimester. Thanks for asking ChaCha!
Could Chlamydia be the reason I had a miscarriage?
It could have increased the risk of miscarriage, yes.
Could I of had a miscarriage for these reasons?
i’m sorry for your loss but i don’t think you did anything. the plane turbulence had nothing to do with it. as for the alcohol i doubt it because some stupid women will drink all through pregnancy and still have babies. don’t beat yourself …

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im having some doubts about pregnancy and im scared help please?
Q: i took a test last week on tuesday and it came out negative. the only reason i did that was because i was feeling some pregnancy symptoms and i haven’t used protection as well so im guessing this time im lucky enough to have a baby. on friday i got my ”period” and it was heavier than normal and also i had it 2 days before my period should of begun. im always normal when it comes to my periods and it always comes on the 15th of every month. on the 2nd day of my now irregular period it stoped but then on the 3rd my period is really really light and today im bleeding but not a lot and my period always lasts for 5 day or so. i started to noticed that my boobs are growing and my veins are popping out [which could be a sign of pregnancy] and i noticed a line almost by my vagina pubic hair [thats another sign] but im really confused about this. today i went to the clinic to get a blood test but for some odd reason they don’t have nurses no more so they sent me to holy cross hospital and i went but they said that they can’t do a blood test without some paper from the doctor or something like that. i don’t want to tell my mom nothing because i don’t want to get her worried so i want to know a.s.a.p how i can get a blood test done without a doctors permission or whatever the hospital asked for. im really scared of miscarriage. for some reason i think thats whats happening to me. im feeling so emotional when i think about this.im just to scared to loose a precious baby without even knowing he/she ecxisted. do you think its time to take another pregnancy test and what brand ? should i buy the ones that are 4 days or less before your missed period? help me please (my last period was on feb. 19,09 and i started on da 15th….same as december 08)i started to know some pregnancy symptoms 2 weeks ago. i had cramps in those two weeks and when i had my early period the first day it really hurted but it stoped by the end of the night. im also eating more ofter and some of my symptoms i had are coming back such as morning sickness. i don’t have cramps no more though…do you think i had a misscarriage? =(i got another question that’s been bothering me…im staring to burp more then the usual and when i burp it feel like vomit.im soo confused.when i go to the bathroom i noticed that i poop than normal meaning that when i poop its not the same as before. could these be signs too?
A: You took a test, and it was negative. Then you started your period. You want to be pregnant, and you are looking for signs. It’s really, really, REALLY rare to have lots of pregnancy symptoms and not have enough HCG to show up on a pregnancy test. I don’t think you have had a miscarriage, and I really don’t think you were pregnant. You can have lots of signs and symptoms of being pregnant, when you are looking for them, and NOT be pregnant. But like I said, the more symptoms you have, the less likely you are to miscarry.. and the less likely you would be to have a negative test. All of that PLUS the fact that you took a test, and it was negative AND the fact that you had your period, says: NO. You do not need a blood test. Take another pregnancy test if you want to know for sure. Take care!
What happens to a woman’s body during a miscarriage?
Q: how will she know that she is having a miscarriage? and also what are some reason’s for having a miscarriage
A: I had a miscarriage before I even realized I was pregnant and it happened without warning. I felt as tho my normal period was starting and within a few hours ended up bleeding very heavy and having very hard painful cramps. Many miscarriages have unknown causes. My Dr said that for most women a miscarriage is simply nature’s way of taking care of something thats not perfect. However if a woman has repeat miscarriages then she needs to be seen by a OB/GYN or a Reproductive Endocrinologist to find out why.
Has anyone ever had a dream about having a miscarriage?
Q: Well last night I had a dream I had a miscarriage. Me and my aunt were downstairs n my house n she showedMe a bloody tissue with a fetal printed on it. And she saidI had a miscarriage n for some reason I asked if it was triplets. (My boyfriend got a girl pregnant once we wernt together n he said she had a miscarriage n she lost three babies) So my aunt said no. And for some reason in my dream I just got sad. Early this week my boyfriend thought I was pregnant but I’m not. But does anyone have a clue what this might mean.
A: You’ve probably seen a film or documentary recently about a miscarriage. I find most dreams are usually related to real life situations mixed with a bit of emotion e.g. desire, fear etc.
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