Will you be in pain after a miscarriage

Health related question in topics after a Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “Will you be in pain after a miscarriage”,you can compare them.

A:When the miscarriage is complete, or after a D&C all pain should cease. You may also feel extremely tired after a miscarriage as well. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/will-you-be-in-pain-after-a-miscarriage ]
More Answers to “Will you be in pain after a miscarriage
Will you be in pain after a miscarriage
When the miscarriage is complete, or after a D&C all pain should cease. You may also feel extremely tired after a miscarriage as well. ChaCha on!
How long after a miscarriage should you be in pain?
I had a miscarriage at 6 weeks and I was in pain for a couple of days after the fact.However, I did leed for atleast a week or two! It’s tough and nobody can understand until they experience it. I wish the best for you!
Is this pain normal after miscarriage?
I’m so sorry. I miscarried 3 days ago; so I know your pain. You may want to call your doctor if you do not think you have passed the embryo yet. I had a miscarriage on Monday and clearly saw when I passed the embryo (it was past awful). You…

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Just had miscarriage at 7 weeks. Will it be hard to conceive after miscarriage and when can I start ttc again?
Q: My husband and I had been trying for 7 months and finally got pregnant. To my worst fear I just had a miscarriage at 7 weeks. Besides the extreme physical pain of a miscarriage I am sure anyone who has had a m/c knows the emotional drain it causes. You question what you may have done wrong and almost torment yourself. My sister is pregnant too which makes getting over this loss even harder. Because it has taken 7 months in the past to conceive I want to start trying again as soon as possible. When is a good time to start ttc again? Can anyone tell me how long it took after the m/c to get pregnant? Will it be harder to conceive because of miscarry? Thank you for your help.
A: I’ve heard of several people who get pregnant immediately (though perhaps this is also linked to whether they had a D&C – I’m simply not sure) so there is no reason that you can’t try again. However, make sure that you and DH are emotionally ready to try again. The fact that your sister is pregnant is particularly hard; the exact same thing happened to my friend a few years ago, except that it was compounded by the fact that they both went full term and my friend has a stillbirth. But now, she has two healthy and adorable babies, and I’m sure you’ll be just fine. Sending tonnes of baby dust your way !!!!!
Q: As most of you already know me, I just went through a miscarriage early morning around 5:30 am and lasted till 9:20am on the 26th of July.Now I am still bleeding, but now it is like a period which has slowed down a little since then and so has the cramping.But I am constantly feeling exhausted! I don’t know if I should be feeling that. Mentally I am still in pain because of the loss, but physically the pain has lessened but I am so tired! I basically feel drained. Like I need more sleep than usual.So just wondering if that is normal. I have an appointment for this Thursday, but until then, I need some info from personal experiences.And how long after the miscarriage will I continue to bleed like a period?I was 9 weeks pregnant, but the doctor told me the baby died anytime in the last two weeks before I became 9 wks
A: Grace honestly im so sorry. i been through your journey with you and was so happy when you conceived. But like you i also miscarried in June and it was so draining physically and emotionally i felt like i couldnt cope with life. I went through anxiety and i usually slept half of the day because of how much the miscarriage was taking out of me. You will be emotionally and physically exhausted for the next few weeks until everything is cleared out of you and 1. you can try again2. you stop bleeding and the pain goestrust me it gets easier and you will gain your regular body again because at the moment your body was preparing for pregnancy and your hormones are going all over the place because it needs to get use to ovulating again.i bled on and off for 3 weeks and one day i thought that it stopped but it came back lightly the next day. dont be alarmed if it does go on for this long unless it is accompanied by fever smelly discharge or heavier bleeding (enough to fill a pad).Once again Grace im so sorry and hope to God you and i get pregnant soon and have our healthy happy babies the same time. xxx
Pain and bleeding after a miscarriage?
Q: I posted a question last week about bleeding while pregnant. Well, I went to the emergency room Monday and then went back Tuesday. They told me I had a “blighted ovum” which they said basically means the sac was there but they couldn’t see the fetus. I was 8 weeks pregnant. They said they would not do anything, that I was just to go home and see what happens and come back in 2 weeks. Well, for the past 2 nights I have had SEVERE cramping in my hips / groing area and back as well, and bleeding very heavily with a lot of clots. This morning I went to the washroom and a very large clot came out. I assume this was the miscarriage as there was grey matter in it as well. I am sorry I am being so graphic, this was just so very traumatic for me. I called my doctor to tell her what happened and that I continued to bleed and have cramps (Although not even nearly as bad as the past 2 nights) and to make an appt to come see her, as I think I have to make sure everything came out. Well, she told me to keep my appt in 2 weeks from now and “Not to worry”. Well, obviously I am. Is it normal to still bleed and have cramps after the miscarriage? And on another note, I feel so sad and depressed, how has other people gotten over this? I don’t feel like I ever will. We just wanted a baby so badly and I don’t know what to do. Thank you for whatever help you can give me, and I am so sorry that other people have to go through this as well. It just hurts so much, both mentally and physically.
A: im sorry to hear about your loss but the same exact thing happened to me…i went to the er after passing a large clot…i couldn’t really see what it was because the blood was so heavy…so they told me that the sac was still there but no yolk found…they did a pelvic ultra sound and then a pap. told me to go home and take it easy and the only meds that they can tell me to take was tylonol…they also told me that if im bleeding really heavy like soaking 1-2 pads in an hour to go back it cuz i could be hemmoraging…so after the pap i got really bad sharp pains again which are like contractions….then i passed the sac i believe and everything was over with…i was really sad as well and me and my fiancee were down for a while….i bled like a period after and had period cramps which are nothing compared to what i was feeling during the miscarriage…. now if you are bleeding that heavily i say go in…you can be having cramps because you haven’t passed all of it yet…so i mean you still might be contracting. but if not and your not bleeding that heavily anymore then you should be fine. just go to your follow up doc appt. then they will tell you weather you passed it all or if they will need to perform a d&c. but if you did pass it you should be fine…i was….i hope this helped a lil…and again im sorry for your loss i know how it feels…and yes it is very traumatic!!!
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