What types of pain would you have if you have a miscarriage

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A:Symptoms of a miscarriage include: pelvic cramps, abdominal pain, or a persistent, dull ache in your lower back. Thank you! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-types-of-pain-would-you-have-if-you-have-a-miscarriage ]
More Answers to “What types of pain would you have if you have a miscarriage
What types of pain would you have if you have a miscarriage?
Symptoms of a miscarriage include: pelvic cramps, abdominal pain, or a persistent, dull ache in your lower back. Thank you!

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If you’ve ever miscarried, did it feel like this?
Q: First of all, if you’ve miscarried, I am so sorry for your loss and what you had to go through. If it is anything like what I just went through, then I would never wish it on anyone. I knew it was eminent because I was told I had a 12 week old Blighted Ovum. I have a D&C scheduled for this Friday. On October 31st, I started bleeding. I was up until 6:15 AM with horrendous contractions that were 2 minutes apart and lasted for over one minute at a time. The intensity and pain level shot from a 4 to a 10. This lasted all night. I expelled what I believe to be most of the fetal tissue. My question is this: if you had a miscarriage in the past, did you go through the same type of pain? Did anyone ever tell you how bad it would hurt? I was told I would have some heavier cramping, heavier bleeding, etc… What I experienced was far beyond ‘heavy cramping.” I was in full-blown labor. Why doesn’t this get talked about? Similar experiences? Thanks, and again, sorry for your loss.Mary, I actually had a placenta and gestational sac the size of my hand. It was empty, but it was present. I even saw it on the ultrasound before it came out. I still have a d&c scheduled, but I don’t know if I still need it. I will call my doc today.
A: Mine was almost exactly like that. I was 16 weeks. It started off with bleeding (much like a normal period). I went straight to the ER, and by the time I was actually seen, I was having full blown contractions. They took me to a bed finally, and I pretty much labored there until I felt myself lose the baby. The anesthisiologist finally waltzed in about 5 minutes later, and I was taken in for a D&C. I felt the physical pain was just as bad as when I gave birth to my daughter, but it definitely got worse considering my emotional state (I was really trying to fight it). I had nightmares about it for two year afterward, and I was eventually diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder. I got help, and doing much better now.So sorry about your loss. Nobody should have to go through that.
Many questions about miscarriage?
Q: Went to the ER on Feb. 24th for light spotting to see what was causing it but was not in pain. Saw the baby but there was no heart beat that the Dr. could see but he said my cervix was closed. Was told to go home and be on bed rest and not to worry until OB said something was wrong and to wait for a call from OB to come in the next day. OB called and I went in but three hours before I was to go in I started clotting with the bleeding. Cried and got my husband out of working knowing that was a very bad sign still there was no pain.Went in explained what was going on to the head ob dr. She did an ultra sound and saw there was only a sac but no baby.Anyways my question is if I passed the baby wouldn’t the sac be gone also? Could this be a totally different pregnancy that we are seeing now? Why did I have no pain with my miscarriage? Is that normal?Was the ER wrong for sending me home during a threatened miscarriage?How long does bleeding normally last with this type of situation?How long did you have to wait to have sex again?What would happen if I got pregnant with in the next two months again? Would it miscarry because it wasn’t enough time like the reccommended 3-6 months?I know I should ask a Dr. these thing but I’m asking on here right now until I see the head Ob DR on friday again.
A: I can’t answer all of your questions, but I can tell you my experience. I had a miscarriage on Jan 25 2009. I’d had positive pregnancy tests, but ultrasounds failed to show a pregnancy – so we assumed our dates were well out. When the bleeding started it was immediately heaving and I went to hospital. Pregnancy test there was a very slight positive and when retested hours later was negative, I had no pain at all though. The following day I unfortunately passed a mass in hospital, still with no (physical) pain. The bleeding lasted about a week – 10 days. We waited until after one cycle to try again. Our doc said there’s no real difference between one and three. Pleased to say I became pregnant immediately with little Abigail now being nearly 11 weeks old – and she was a perfect pregnancy. The doc just sent me for an early ultrasound to allay my fears. As far as being sent home from the ER, it can be that during early pregnancy there can be some spotting, so I guess they have to go with that sometimes.I’m so sorry for your loss. There’s nothing anyone can say to make it any better or any easier, and the one thing I hated to hear the mosy was “well, it’s probably for the the best – there must have been something wrong with it:” No – there’s no reason, and it’s not for the best. It just shouldn’t happen. We like to believe that our 2nd baby’s spirit is looking after our 10 year old son, and little Abby. So shall you little one be. You never forget them – they’re always your babies.
Implantation Questions. PLEASE. any information would be great. Feeling optimistic, and need REAL hope Thanks?
Q: This will be my last Q on here until I get a BFP or BFN. I know I ask too many I am just impatient, and sorry to all of you who are getting sick of my questions daily.I have been crampy off and on since Ovulation CD20. It is now CD26-6DPO. I am trying to stay level headed and not try to make myself think I am pregnant since I want it so bad. Since my miscarriage 4/6 all I want is to get pregnant again. This evening though things have beena little different. I checked my cervix which feels high and squishy like. Also it felt like I was “wet” but when I checked was completely dry, and didn’t feel any CM until I was checking for my cervix, and it was lotiony feeling.Around dinner time all of a sudden I felt really hot, and hubby said my face was flushed and now I have a migraine which normally I don’t get until the day before AF which wouldn’t be until the 15th since I am due the 16th. Also as I am sitting here typing this my breasts really hurt when I touch the sides of them,feel heavy and really hurt when squeezed, and up until now have only been a twinge of pain here and there. Could these be signs of implantation even though there is no bleeding to go with all this.Please answer with as many details as you can give me, don’t want to get my hopes up but according to babymed site it says implantation can occur any time now, and I would like to know what you ladies have felt if anything before your AF was missed.
A: Hi,Dont worry about asking a billion questions. I know both times when I wanted to be pregnant and thought I might have been I was a google-a-holic lol. Well with my first pregnany the only thing that tipped me off that I was pregnant was the fact that I had extremely soar breasts. I also had implantation bleeding with that one about 2-3 days before my expected period. I am about 5 and a half weeks pregnant now and with this one the only thing that tipped me off that I was pregnant before I got my bfp was the fact that my appetite changed to what it was when I was pregnant before. I also had implantation bleeding with this one as well. For the last week I have looked flushed or like I have a sunburn even my lips are red lol. However for me my the last time I checked my cervix ,which was over a week ago, it was low and hard kind of like it is supposed to be before your period however I know that your cervix doesnt always get soft and go high right away it can take awhile when your pregnant 🙂 I am keeping my fingers crossed for you. I know how horrible the waiting is :)Good luck.
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