Can I get pregnant if I smoke

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Can I get pregnant if I smoke”,you can compare them.

You can get pregnant if you smoke, as it doesn’t prevent pregnancy in any way. Effects of smoking include cancer and stroke. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can I get pregnant if I smoke
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Implantation cramping occurs when the egg attaches itself, or implants, to the uterus. It is very common in early pregnancy.
Can i get pregnant if i smoke rocks?
Well you’ve passed the first hurdle by actually admitting u have a problem, also knowing you have to deal with it. so, that is a very good start, Personally would seek out help and professional advice on stopping your drug abuse before you …
Can I Get Pregnant If I Smoke Weed?
Yes, if you smoke week you CAN get pregnant. Weed doesnt kill sperm immediately or your eggs. A doobie isnt birth control. But after a long period of use it could cause you to become sterile.

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Im pregnant smoke pot need help from honest non sacrcastic people?
Q: Im 7 1/2 mos pregnant and i got 7 weeks to go…. for the past 2 weeks iv been smoke like 3 times (bowls) And i was wondering by the time i have my baby if i should be ok with the tests and all… Can someone please hep. Please serious answers only.
A: My friend is pregnant, and she is a frequent pot smoker. Her doctor told her it was better for the baby if she DIDN’T try to quit, because the withdrawal puts more trauma on your body, and on the baby.I don’t really understand what you mean about being ‘fine for the tests’? There are kits you can get that you drink that mask the THC, they sell it on the internet, and I know of people who are chronic smokers who use them to cheat drug tests at work all the time. If worst comes to worse, get one of those!All I know is, I know many mothers (including my own mother) who have smoked pot throughout their pregnancy, and all their children turned out fine (Me included)
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Q: Can somebody provide some insight for me regarding this? I am asking for my fiancee who is pregnant, smokes, and wants to quit. Her Doctor gave her nicotine gum a little while back, and she cannot remember if it was because she was pregnant. It seems as though by “googling” this topic I get mixed results.I am hoping, more than anything, that maybe some pregnant women out there know for sure if nicotine gum is safe during pregnancy? Any doctor’s on Answers today? :o)Thank you.
A: Nicotine gum is safer then smoking which contains carcinogens. Passing on TAR and cancer causing agents to your child depriving the baby of oxygen and causing a premature birth and low birth weight. Tell her to call her OB and ask. I don’t mean to nag, but she is asking for trouble if she doesn’t quit all nicotine products asap. Tell her to try having problems with her circulation while 8 mos along. I bet she will wish she had quit.
Best Friend Pregnant & Smoking?
Q: Hi, My friend and I have been friends for a very long time now. And she is a smoker and I am not! Well about a week ago we found out that she was pregnant.I have been trying to get her to stop smoking but so far no luck. I have tried showing her some of the bad things that can happen to your child if you smoke while pregnant but nothing is affecting her. Do any of you know any good ways to get her to quit. Please help….And i REALIZE you cant make a smoker QUIT just like that…. I just want to try.
A: My Dr. told me not to quit. Quitting causes stress and will harm thebaby. So I cut back to 5-7 a day. The result. 3 pregnancies, 3 bigand healthy babies. Between 8.11 lbs and 7.9 lbs. All because I listened to my Dr. His advice benefited my children.
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